

一个 SmartCityPHL 项目


纽约市正在试行一种新工具,以使许可信息更容易获得。 许可证导航器 将帮助居民:

  • 了解他们需要哪些类型的许可证才能用于某些住宅和商业用途。
  • 确定大致的许可证成本。
  • 在 phila.gov 上找到相关信息,例如许可证的申请流程和其他细节。

该试点项目将减少障碍,帮助居民更有效地使用现有的许可系统。 它不会取代纽约市目前的程序。

居民和企业主可以在导航器上将反馈发送至 SmartCityPHL@phila.gov


电子邮件 SmartCityPHL @phila.gov

Project scope

For this pilot, the navigator will support a limited number of residential and business use cases.

Residential use cases

The navigator includes permits for renovations to established one- or two-family residences.

At this time, it doesn't include permits related to:

  • New construction.
  • Mixed-use buildings.
  • Buildings with more than two units, including individual units in a condominium.

Business use cases

The navigator includes permits and licenses needed to open or expand a storefront business. This type of business includes:

  • Offices (such as those for medical, dental, or health group practitioners).
  • Retail sales (such as groceries, apparel, building supplies, etc.)
  • Commercial services (such as entertainment businesses, restaurants, financial services, etc.)
  • Public, civic, and institutional use (such as child or adult care centers).

You can view a full list of the available business use cases in the navigator.

Ready to try the Permit Navigator?

The tool will gather information about your project and provide a summary of the required permits, their cost, and links to related content.


  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Licenses and Inspections
  • Department of Planning and Development
  • Department of Public Health
  • Department of Streets
