Dangers of lead
Lead poisoning is dangerous and can cause lasting health effects on babies and children. It is very important to prevent children from being harmed by lead.
Lead is a dangerous chemical that was used in interior household paint until 1978. If your home was built before 1978, it’s possible that there’s lead paint in your home. Lead paint is dangerous when it begins to chip, or when dust from the paint gets into the air.
Risk to children
Children younger than 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning. Their growing bodies absorb more lead than adults do, and their brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead.
Most children who have lead poisoning get it from lead dust in homes built before 1978. When old paint cracks and peels, it creates lead dust. Lead dust from chipping paint can settle on the ground and other surfaces and get on children’s hands.
The City of Philadelphia encourages all children under age 6 to have their lead levels tested at age 1 and again at age 2. You cannot tell if your child has an elevated lead level from their behavior. The only way to know is to get them tested.
Even small amounts of lead can severely affect a child’s mental and physical development. Some of the effects of lead poisoning may never go away. At very high levels, lead exposure can be fatal.
Lead exposure can cause:
- Speech and language problems.
- Developmental delays.
- Decreased bone and muscle growth.
- Poor muscle coordination.
- Damage to the nervous system, kidneys, and/or hearing.
- Seizures and unconsciousness (in cases of extremely high lead levels).
If a child has elevated lead levels
If your child has a lead level of 3.5 ug/dL (micrograms per deciliter) or higher, a member of the Lead and Healthy Homes Program will contact you. They will come to your home to help you determine the source of the lead and what you can do to keep your family safe. This service is free.
If you are a homeowner and can’t afford the necessary repairs, the City may help you get them for free. If you rent your home, the City will work with your landlord to make the property safe for your family.
Hatari katika ujauzito
Kiongozi anaweza kupita kutoka kwa mtu mjamzito kwenda kwa mtoto ambaye hajazaliwa. Ikiwa una risasi nyingi mwilini mwako, inaweza:
- Kuweka katika hatari ya kuharibika kwa mimba.
- Mfanya mtoto wako azaliwe mapema sana au mdogo sana.
- Kuumiza ubongo wa mtoto wako, figo, na mfumo wa neva.
- Kumfanya mtoto wako awe na shida za kujifunza au tabia.
Ikiwa una mjamzito, unapaswa:
- Epuka ukarabati wowote wa nyumbani ambao unaweza kukufanya uwasiliane na vumbi la rangi ya risasi.
- Epuka kufanya kazi katika mazingira ambayo unaweza kuwa wazi kwa vumbi linaloongoza.
Hatari kwa watu wazima
Kiongozi ni hatari kwa kila mtu, lakini ni hatari zaidi kwa watoto kuliko ilivyo kwa watu wazima.
Kwa watu wazima, risasi inaweza kusababisha uharibifu mkubwa wa kiafya katika viwango vya 40 ug/dL (mikrogram kwa deciliter) au zaidi.
Kufanya kazi na risasi
Mfiduo wa watu wazima kawaida hufanyika wakati mtu anafanya kazi katika mazingira ambayo anaongoza.
Watu wanaweza pia kufunuliwa kuongoza kupitia utumiaji wa bidhaa zilizochafuliwa na risasi.
Ikiwa mtu katika kaya yako anafanya kazi na vumbi la risasi, waambie wabadilishe nguo anapofika nyumbani. Weka viatu vya kazi nje na safisha nguo zote za kazi kando na nguo zote za kufulia familia.
Ikiwa una wasiwasi juu ya mfiduo wa watu wazima kuongoza, zungumza na daktari wako.