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Zoning, planning & development

Apply for sign approval from the Art Commission

If you want to place a sign on a building in certain locations or in the right-of-way, you must submit a proposal to the Art Commission. The Art Commission will review the design and location of your proposal.

Art Commission approval is a prerequisite for some sign permits. You should begin by contacting the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I). They will inform you of all prerequisite approvals needed for your application.


Check with L&I

Check with L&I to find out about any prerequisites.


Send your submission materials to the Art Commission.

Staff review

Art Commission staff will review your proposal. They will determine the next steps and if additional reviews are necessary.


Some proposals may be approved or rejected by staff without further review. More complex proposals, and proposals in Center City, will be reviewed by the Sign and Streetery Committee before being approved or rejected by the Art Commission.

Submission materials

All proposals must include a cover letter, photographs, renderings, and supporting materials. Other information may be requested.

Cover letter

Your cover letter must:

  • Describe the number and types of signs, including their dimensions and materials.
  • Specify whether you are proposing new signs or if they already exist.
  • Include the name, mailing address, and email address of the person who should receive the commission’s decision.
  • Include the name, phone number, and email address of your contact person. This person should be able to answer questions about the application.


You must include current color photographs of the site and its surroundings. Do not use online street views.

These pictures should show:

  • The entire building facade or site.
  • Any security gates in the opened and closed positions.
  • The buildings or sites to the right and left.
  • The view down the block to the right and left.
  • The view across the street.
  • Views of both adjacent streets, if the property is on a corner.
  • Views from the intended points of view, for signs that will be seen from a distance.


You must include scale working drawings of the design. All dimensions, materials, and colors must be labeled. Submissions typically include:

  • A perspective drawing or photo overlay (in color) that shows the sign on the building or site. If the sign already exists, you should submit photos instead of drawings.
  • A plot plan showing the relation of the sign to the property lines.

For signs that extend over the sidewalk, you should also include a drawing that shows:

  • The distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign.
  • The total width of the sidewalk.
  • How far the sign extends over the sidewalk.

Supporting materials

You must include proof of other required approvals from the City. Submit the drawings stamped with their approval or include their letter of approval.

Where and when

Submit a package of the submission materials by email to, or to:

Philadelphia Art Commission
1515 Arch St., 13th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Appointments are required for in-person plan reviews. To schedule, use our online appointment system. Once you’ve entered your contact information, select “Art Commission” and choose “Art Commission plan review.”

Review process

Commission staff may approve or reject some proposals without further review. If you wish to contest a staff rejection or request for revisions, you may request to present your proposal to the Sign and Streetery Committee.

Staff will refer these types of proposals to the Sign and Streetery Committee:

  • Signs in Center City (within certain sign regulation areas of the Center City Overlay Zoning District).
  • Skyline signs (building identification signs at or near the tops of tall buildings).
  • Complex proposals.

Staff review

Once you receive approval, you must submit the notice to the Department of Licenses and Inspections to complete the permit process.

You should not order, fabricate, or install any sign until you receive approval. If a sign varies from the approved proposal, the commission will report it to L&I.

You may request reconsideration of a routine rejection by presenting to the Sign and Streetery Committee.

Sign and Streetery Committee review

The Sign and Streetery Committee typically meets the fourth Wednesday morning of each month. The Sign and Streetery Committee makes its recommendations at the Art Commission’s next regular meeting.

To place an item on the agenda, staff must receive a cover letter with a description of the proposal at least two weeks before a meeting. Staff must then receive a PDF of the submission package at least one week before a meeting. The PDF should be a single file if possible.

Attendance at the meeting is optional. Staff can provide guidance as to whether attendance is recommended. At the meeting, the committee will make its recommendation to the Art Commission. Following the meeting, each applicant will receive a written letter noting the recommendation.

If you disagree with the committee’s recommendation, you may request to present your proposal at the next Art Commission meeting for reconsideration. You must submit a letter requesting to present for reconsideration at least one week before the commission meeting date. You will receive written confirmation of the commission’s final decision.

Once you receive approval, you must submit the notice to the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) to complete the permit process.

You should not order, fabricate, or install any sign until you receive approval. If a sign varies from the approved proposal, the commission will report it to L&I, who may issue a zoning violation.
