A street tree is a tree planted along sidewalks and other public rights-of-way. Philadelphia Parks & Recreation can help property owners get a free street tree planted in front of their home, business, or other property.
Residential and commercial property owners in Philadelphia can get street trees. If you would like a tree for your yard, visit get a yard tree to learn how.
Where and when
Request trees from the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Street Tree Office. Tree planting season usually runs from mid-April to mid-June and mid-October to mid-November.
To get a tree sooner:
If you are a property owner and would like to speed up the street tree planting process, you can hire a certified arborist to plant a tree for you at your expense. The arborist must:
- Be on the City’s Qualified Contractor list. To get a list of qualified contractors email StreetTree.Info@phila.gov
- Obtain a tree planting permit from the Parks & Rec Street Tree Management Office.
- Select a tree from the approved street tree list.
- Plant the tree, including cutting the sidewalk if necessary.