You can report suspected abuse or neglect of children 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (215) 683-6100. Teletypewriter (TTY) services are also available at this number.
You may also call the state hotline at (800) 932-0313.
You may choose whether or not to give your name when reporting. Regardless, your name will never be revealed to anyone else. This practice is strictly enforced.
Signs of child abuse and neglect
Physical abuse
- Unexplained bruises on torso, back, neck, ears, buttocks, or lips
- Welts in the shape of an object, like a belt
- Fearful, flinching when touched, or withdrawn
Sexual abuse
- Pain or itching in the genital area
- Difficulty walking or sitting down
- Inappropriate sex play or premature understanding of sex
Emotional abuse
- Habit disorders (sucking, biting, rocking, etc.)
- Shows extremes in behavior, like being overly compliant or demanding
- Destructive or self-destructive behavior
- Frequently fatigued
- Child takes on more of a parental/adult role
- Self destructive feelings or behavior
- Missing school