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Safety & emergency preparedness

Report a dog left outdoors in extreme weather

Dogs that are kept outside must have access to a shelter that is:

  • Big enough for the dog to sit and lie down inside.
  • Moisture-proof, windproof, ventilated, and warm.
  • Made of strong material with a solid, moisture-proof floor raised at least two inches from the ground.
  • Clean and not filled with dirt, trash, or waste.

Dog shelters must also contain clean bedding (such as hay, straw, or cedar shavings) to keep the dog warm and dry.

Dogs must have access to drinking water. Snow or ice is not acceptable.

Code Blue

During a Code Blue, dog shelters must also have a door or other windbreak at the entrance.

Code Red

During a Code Red, dogs must also have enough shade to cover their whole body.

Report a violation

To report a dog left outdoors in severe weather, call (267) 385-3800 and dial 1 to speak with the dispatcher, or file a report online with all the details you have available.
