Service overview
If you don’t want circulars or other ads left on your property, you can register your property with the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I).
After you register, you will get a circular-free property decal. Once you put up the decal, you can report businesses that leave circulars on your property. L&I fines violators.
Property owners and their agents can get this decal.
Where and when
There is no fee for this service.
Apply online, or complete and submit the application form by mail or email.
You will receive your decal in the mail.
Make sure to place it where it can be seen from the street.
If you still receive circulars after you’ve posted the sticker, you can report the businesses to L&I.
Report violators by mail, or email. Include the property address where the unsolicited handbill circulars were received.
If you are reporting by mail, include the handbill. If you are reporting by email, attach pictures.
L&I will issue a code violation for $150.