Service overview
You need a Residential Property Wholesaler License if your business is to buy residential properties solely for resale or to get owners to sell their residential properties so that you or someone else can buy and resell them. This includes multi-family and mixed-use buildings.
You do not need this license if you are a:
- Public official or employee acting in your official duties.
- PA-licensed attorney or real estate agent or realtor acting within the scope of your license.
- Buyer who intends to rent the property.
- Investor who buys property and makes improvements to increase resale value.
The Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) issues this license.
Individuals, business owners, and their agents can apply for this license.
Other licenses and registrations
Responsible party
If the name on the Commercial Activity License is not an individual, you must provide the name and contact information for the responsible person.
On the application, identify all corporations that the responsible person has an equity interest in.
You must provide a Certificate of Insurance that includes the minimum amount:
- General Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 per occurrence
Criminal history
The responsible person must submit a PA State Police criminal history check demonstrating the following:
- No conviction of any crime of fraud, dishonesty, breach of trust, or deceit within the prior six years.
- No conviction for violating the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law within the prior six years.
Tax compliance
You must be current on all City of Philadelphia taxes.
Where and when
You can apply online using eCLIPSE.
If you need help filing your application online, you can schedule a virtual appointment.
In person
You need an appointment to visit the Permit and License Center in person.
Permit and License Center
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
MSB, Public Service Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Offices close at noon on the last Wednesday of each month.
You can apply for this license online using eCLIPSE or in person at the Permit and License Center.
If the application isn’t approved, you will receive an email stating what is missing or required.
In person
L&I can review most applications while you wait.
Renewal requirements
This license must be renewed annually. You can renew online through eCLIPSE or in person at the Permit and License Center.
To renew your license, you must:
- Be current on all City of Philadelphia taxes.
- Have proof of active insurance.