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Permits, violations & licenses

Get a Zoning Permit for signs

Service overview

You need to get zoning approval to install signs. The Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) issues these approvals.

The Philadelphia Zoning Code includes rules for:

  • Number of signs.
  • Type.
  • Size.
  • Location.
  • Height.
  • Illumination or lighting.

Types of signs that don’t need zoning permits

  • Window signs installed in up to two windows or doors. The sign can’t take up more than 20 percent of the transparent glazed area of a door or window.
  • Signs located in a building’s interior that are more than 18 in. from, or on more than a 45 degree angle to any window or opening. These signs are not intended to be visible from the outside.
  • Digital and video screens on outdoor equipment such as fuel pumps and ATM’s (limited to 1 sq. ft.)
  • Signs that give directions and are under 10 sq. ft. in area and under 7 ft. in height
  • Temporary real estate signs
    • Residential districts: 6 sq. ft. per face
    • Other districts: 12 sq. ft. per face

Approval without plans

If the proposed signs fit certain standards, you do not need to submit plans. Check if your sign complies with our EZ Sign Standard for Zoning.


Property owners and their authorized agents who want to install signs should apply for zoning approval. Authorized agents may include:

  • Tenants.
  • Design professionals.
  • Attorneys.
  • Contractors.
  • Licensed expediters.


Permit application

The permit application must include the complete listing of addresses and current owner information.

  • If the property is NOT owned by a natural person or a publicly-traded company, provide the name and mailing address of one of the following:
    • Each individual with more than 49% interest in ownership of the property
    • The two individuals with the largest interest
  • If a property was recently sold, submit a copy of the settlement sheet or deed with the application.
  • You must apply for all permits under the legal address established by the Office of Property Assessment (OPA).
  • If you are a tenant making an application, provide your executed lease agreement.

Applicants using the EZ Sign Standard

Complete an EZ Standard for Zoning Sign Installation form


Plans are not required if the work adheres to the EZ permit. If your application requires plans, they must follow the Zoning Permit for signs plan requirements.


Photographs of existing conditions must be provided to verify signage at a lot or on a building

Required pre-approvals

For projecting signs or awnings with text on sides perpendicular to building face over the right-of-way.

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For signs within certain areas of the CTR overlay and the NCA overlay (Germantown – Mount Airy subarea).

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For signs in Market East Advertising District.

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For signs within land under the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.

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For signs within 200 feet of Roosevelt Boulevard, Cobbs Creek Parkway, Fairmount Park, or Cobbs Creek Park.

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For signs that project into the right-of-way beyond the limits of Zoning or Streets Code

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Where and when


You can apply online using eCLIPSE.

If you need help filing your application online, you can schedule a virtual appointment.

In person

You need an appointment to visit the Permit and License Center in person.

Permit and License Center
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
MSB, Public Service Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Office hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday

Offices close at noon on the last Wednesday of each month.


Fee types that may apply

Filing fee

  • $100

This fee is nonrefundable. It will be credited toward the final permit fee.

Permit fee

Signs are grouped into two categories based on their content:

  • Accessory signs (located at the same place as the activity or business they advertise): $253 per sign
  • Non-accessory signs (advertising goods or services found at a different location): $398 per sign

Record retention fee

  • Per page larger than 8.5 in. by 14 in.: $4

Accelerated Plan Review fee (optional)

Applications for new construction that include plans are eligible for expedited review. Accelerated applications are reviewed within 5 business days.

  • Fee: $1050
    • $350 is due when you apply. You must pay the remainder once approved.

To apply, fill out an Accelerated Plan Review Request form and submit with your permit application. Accelerated review fees will not be credited toward your final permit fee.


You can apply for this permit in person at the Permit and License Center or online using eCLIPSE.

In person

Get any required pre-approvals before submitting your application to L&I.
Bring your completed application, application materials, and payment to the Permit and License Center.

Applications with plans are processed within 20 days business days.

  • You can accelerate the application for an additional fee. Accelerated applications are reviewed in 5 business days.

Applications without plans are processed while you wait.

If approved, the applicant will receive a notice to pay the balance or be issued the approval over the counter.

If not approved, L&I will request more information.


Log in to your eCLIPSE account and apply for a permit. Upload all required documents and pay the filing fee.

If applying as a licensed professional or contractor, you must first associate your license or registration with your online account.

The application will go to L&I and other City departments for review and approval.
  • Applications with plans are processed within 20 business days. Allow an additional business day for pre-processing.
    • You can accelerate the application for an additional fee. Accelerated applications are reviewed in 5 business days.
  • Applications that use the EZ Standard for Zoning Sign Installation are processed within 5 business days.
If approved, the applicant will receive a notice to pay the balance.

If not approved, the applicant will receive an email stating what is missing or required.

Renewal requirements


  • Zoning Permits that involve building expire in three years if you don’t begin construction at the site.
  • Use Permits expire after six months if the activity does not start.
  • A Conditional Zoning Permit is valid for one year after the date it was issued.

Extending a zoning permit

You can apply for a permit extension starting three months before the permit expires. Extended permits are valid for one year from the expiration date of the original permit, regardless of when the extension is issued.

You can apply for an extension online using eCLIPSE or in person. Refer to the zoning permit extension information sheet for more information.
