Coordinating our community's response to relational violence.
Shared Safety is our coordinated community response to relational violence.
Relational violence includes:
Shared Safety brings together City agencies and community-based organizations providing health and human services to individuals and families. This allows us to address system issues that cannot be solved by one organization or one City department alone.
Through this initiative, our members collaborate to meet the needs of survivors and their families.
Address |
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Suite 630 Philadelphia, PA 19102 |
SharedSafety |
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Shared Safety is led by a Coordinating Council made up of member organizations. All member organizations are aligned with Shared Safety’s goals.
Anyone can join one of Shared Safety's working groups. These are time-bound, project-based groups. They typically meet monthly for less than a year.
Our Coordinating Council sets policy and hosts discussions. Members commit to attend bimonthly council meetings for at least two years.
Current members vote on new member nominations once per year. A new member organization can nominate itself, or a current member can nominate it.
Learn more about our structure or contact SharedSafety@phila.gov for more information.