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Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee

Teaming up with residents to beautify neighborhood blocks.


The Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee (PMBC) works with registered block captains to keep City blocks clean and green. PMBC:

  • Promotes and organizes clean-up events.
  • Provides block captains with cleaning tools, information, and guidance.
  • Supports and celebrates volunteer block captains.

Together with 41,968 volunteers, PMBC cleans 6,042 blocks each year.


2601 W. Glenwood Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19121

Annual events

  • Block Captain Rally: A day for PMBC to celebrate its network of volunteers and provide them with City updates and resources.
  • Clean Block events: A calendar of Saturday cleanups that take place between March and August. Cleanups are scheduled by police district.
  • Clean Block Contest: Held at the end of each cleaning season to recognize hardworking, dedicated volunteers. Existing block captains act as judges by visiting each contest block and evaluating them on organization, cleanliness, improvements, and participation. The winning blocks are announced at a gala Clean Block Banquet in November. Each participating block receives a cash reward.
  • Junior Block Captain Fun Day: A recognition of the next generation of block captains. This festival includes games, entertainment, play, and prizes.
  • Philly Spring Cleanup: A city-wide event that kicks off the cleaning season. Residents, civic organizations, businesses, and nonprofits work together to:
    • Remove litter.
    • Beautify blocks.
    • Spruce up shared spaces like parks, gardens, and recreation centers.

Contact your clean block officer for more information on these events.

Clean block officers

Our clean block officers connect residents with Department of Sanitation resources, information, and services to keep their blocks clean and beautiful.

Clean block officers provide:

  • Block captain ID cards and PMBC block captain guidelines.
  • Sanitation rules and regulations.
  • Clean-up materials, such as trash bags and street brooms.
  • Organizational assistance.
  • Attendance at block meetings to discuss community or block projects.
  • Saturday clean-up schedule, including special collection by the Department of Sanitation.
  • Clean Block Awards and prize information.
  • Related program information, like sanitation convenience centers, yard waste and fall leaf recycling, and household hazardous waste events.

Contact a clean block officer

Clean block officers are assigned to neighborhoods based on Philadelphia Police Department districts. Find your police district number and then view the list below to identify your clean block officer.

Clean block officers are available on the following days and times:

  • Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (November through February)
  • Monday to Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (March through October)
Police district Clean block officer Phone number
1, 3 Matthew Batte-Cooper (215) 685-3987
2, 7, 8, 15, 35 Patrice Dennis (215) 685-3976
5, 14 Tillie Green (215) 685-3973
9, 16 Perry Sellers (215) 685-3982
12 Chrishon Adams (215) 685-3989
17 Darryl Thompson (215) 685-3985
18 Brahim Redding (215) 685-3993
19 Robyn Matthews (215) 685-3992
22 Tiffany Richardson (215) 985-3975
24 Diana Oliveras (215) 985-3980
25 Angel Cruz (215) 985-3986
26 Christopher Crump (215) 985-3991
39 Kevin Fisher (215) 685-3988

