Installation of the Parkside Avenue parking-protected bicycle lane (51st–41st streets).
Construction of the Parkside Edge Phase 2 improvements at East and West Memorial Drives between Parkside Avenue and the Memorial Fountain/Please Touch Museum (Fairmount Park Conservancy).
Start of construction of the PennDOT Parkside Multimodal Transportation Fund project (duration 6-8 months).
Improvements at Parkside Avenue intersection (Belmont Avenue and 52nd Street), including:
- New traffic signal at 50th Street
- Bus boarding islands
- ADA ramp upgrades
- New pedestrian countdown signals
- Sidewalk bumpouts
- 52nd Street gateway sign and pedestrian lighting under SEPTA rail tracks
- New walkway from 53rd Street to Bryn Mawr Avenue
Continuation of Parkside Cynwyd Trail design.
Start of Parkside intersection improvements project (53rd Street and Parkside Avenue, Bryn Mawr Avenue and Parkside Avenue).
Completion of the final design for the Parkside Cynwyd Trail.