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Digital Literacy Alliance

Grant guidelines

Learn about the requirements and application process for Digital Literacy Alliance (DLA) grants.

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The DLA funds projects that support digital literacy, equity, and inclusion in Philadelphia. The goal of these projects is to improve residents’ access to and skill with technology.

Each grant cycle has a different focus area that is informed by the community’s needs. The length of the grant term and funding amounts also vary.

To learn more about the efforts we’ve funded, view our recent projects. You can also sign up for the DLA listserv to learn about future grant opportunities.

Eligibility and requirements

Generally, applicants are required to:

  • Be based in Philadelphia.
  • Demonstrate capacity to manage a grant, if their organization is without 501(c)(3) status or other fiscal sponsorship.
  • Communicate regularly with the DLA if they’re selected for a grant and submit reports on their progress. Grantees may also be asked to present to the DLA or other organizational representatives.

Other requirements will vary by grant cycle. For example, if a grant cycle focuses on serving a specific population in Philadelphia, applicants may need to demonstrate their experience with that group.

How to apply

The DLA grant cycle begins with a public grant announcement. It will describe:

  • The focus area for the grant cycle.
  • The length of the grant term, such as one or two years.
  • The maximum grant amount.
  • Who is eligible to apply.
  • When to apply.
  • When to expect a funding decision.

The DLA will also provide guidance for how to submit a letter of intent or grant proposal. The following section describes the typical application process.

DLA grant application process

Applicants submit their letters of intent.

The DLA will accept submissions through a digital form. Applicants will have about one month to turn in their letters of intent.

The review committee evaluates the letters of intent.

The review committee will meet and discuss the submissions. Then, they’ll invite a group of organizations to submit full grant proposals.

Selected applicants submit their grant proposals.

If your organization is selected, you’ll receive instructions regarding the process and requirements for submitting a full grant proposal. These proposals typically include:

  • An executive summary
  • A project narrative
  • A timeline for the project
  • Information on the organizational infrastructure, partnerships, and budget
  • A definition of the project goals and the measures of success
  • A description of the project’s sustainability, or how it might continue once funding has ended.

Applicants will have around a month to develop and submit their grant proposals.

The review committee evaluates the grant proposals.

The proposals are reviewed with an evaluation matrix. It includes the following criteria:

  • Program merit
  • Strength of connection with the grant focus area
  • Community impact
  • Budget feasibility
  • Organizational capacity
  • Innovative qualities

After discussing the proposals, the review committee will make its final grant recommendations to the full DLA membership.

Applicants are notified of funding decisions.
