The planning study begins for Lehigh Avenue from American Street to Kensington Avenue.
Public engagement begins for the American-Kensington segment. The community gives feedback on the project vision and goals.
Based on public input, the design team begins to develop different options for the American-Kensington segment.
The design team continues developing options for the American-Kensington segment.
The City begins to apply for grant funding to design and build improvements on Lehigh Avenue between American Street and Aramingo Avenue.
Public engagement continues through the summer. The community provides feedback on the different design options, helping to identify a preferred alternative for the American-Kensington segment.
Into the fall, the City refines the preferred alternative design for the American-Kensington segment. PennDOT develops designs for quick-build improvements on Lehigh Avenue (5th Street to Aramingo Avenue), including speed cushions and hardened medians.
Public engagement begins for a second segment of Lehigh Avenue from Kensington Avenue to Aramingo Avenue. The City starts to develop the conceptual design for this segment.
The City also schedules community events to confirm the preferred alternative design for the American-Kensington segment.
PennDOT installs quick-build improvements.
Public engagement continues for the Kensington-Aramingo segment. The City hosts events to get feedback from the community on the final conceptual design for this segment.
The City continues to apply for grant funding. If funding is acquired, the project may proceed as follows: