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Aramingo Avenue traffic safety project

A Complete Streets project

Aramingo Avenue traffic safety project timeline



Aramingo Avenue is repaved by PennDOT and separated bike lanes are installed with flexible delineator posts.

The City begins engaging community stakeholders on the redesign of Aramingo Avenue.


The City engages neighbors, community groups, and businesses to identify critical design elements and community priorities through a project survey.



The City develops a conceptual redesign of Aramingo Avenue based on the community’s feedback.

A second project survey is distributed to neighbors, community groups, and businesses to confirm that the conceptual design reflects the community’s priorities.


Survey results show broad community support for the redesign of Aramingo Avenue. The City applies for design and construction funding for the redesign of the avenue.

If funding is acquired, the project may proceed as follows:

  • 2025–2026: Engineering begins on the project while funding is finalized.
  • 2026–2027: Construction begins on corridor redesign.
