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Career Connected Learning PHL (C2L-PHL)

For employers

C2L-PHL is Philadelphia’s Career Connected Learning program. Businesses and non-profit organizations can partner with C2L-PHL to support our city’s future talent.

How your workplace can participate

We welcome local businesses and non-profit organizations to support C2L-PHL by becoming a work-based learning site. You can provide Philadelphia youth with opportunities like:

  • Internships.
  • State-approved pre-apprenticeship programs.
  • Part-time jobs.
  • Industry certifications.
  • Career awareness opportunities (e.g., field trips, guest speakers).
  • Additional work experiences including full-time positions for recent graduates.

You can also inspire as a guest speaker, donate resources, or host a youth tour at your company.

Partner with us

We’d love to have you on board! To get started, complete the C2L-PHL Interest Form. A member of the JEVS Human Services team will contact you.


We’re here to help! Read our FAQs or reach out to

Benefits of hosting a work-based learning site

C2L-PHL is designed to introduce Philadelphia youth to various career fields and secure well-paying jobs in the region. There are many benefits to bringing them onto your team:

  • Build your talent pipeline: Engage new talent and your company’s future workforce!
  • Bring brand loyalty: Young people provide valuable feedback that can help build a stronger customer base.
  • Support our city’s economy: Summer and school year work-based learning experiences prepare youth for the jobs of the future.
  • Foster diversity and inclusion: Welcoming young adults from different backgrounds encourages diversity of thought.
  • Practice corporate social responsibility: Connect with the communities where your company does business.
  • Reduce administrative burden: C2L-PHL helps you to hire through an intermediary organization that reduces paperwork and provides youth-centered supports.
