On Tuesday, June 28, the School District of Philadelphia celebrated the release of GreenFutures, the District’s first ever sustainability plan. Mayor Kenney, Superintendent Hite, Office of Sustainability Director Christine Knapp, EPA Region III Administrator Sean Garvin, and a host of community members were on hand at the Philadelphia Zoo to thank and acknowledge all of the partners who have contributed to the development of GreenFutures.
The School District developed the plan over a two-year period in collaboration with several City of Philadelphia agencies and external partners. GreenFutures is modeled after Greenworks, the City’s sustainability framework and has five focus areas:
- Education for Sustainability
- Consumption & Waste
- Energy & Efficiencies
- School Greenscapes
- Healthy Schools, Healthy Living
Partner in Action certificates of acknowledgement were awarded to several collaborators, including the Office of Sustainability’s Rich Freeh for his guidance and support in the Energy & Efficiencies framework development. Other award recipients included:
- Ellen Schultz, Fairmount Water Works
- Allison Sands, Recyclebank
- Michelle Feldman, Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
- Sally McCabe, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
- Mica Root, Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- Lori Braunstein, The Cloud Institute
- Lorna Rosenberg, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Victor Donnay, Bryn Mawr College
- Bertram Johnson, Sayre High School
- Laura Lau, Office of Grant Development
If you want to know more about how the plan will reduce the District’s environmental footprint while providing a healthier learning environment, head over to the GreenFutures website.