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This week, the Mayor celebrated and volunteered on the Martin Luther King Day of Service, visited Washington, D.C., for the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter 2017 meetings, visited a center focusing on the needs of women veterans and their families, congratulated the newest additions to the Philadelphia Police Department, and officially kicked off registration for the second annual Philadelphia International Unity Cup.

1. The Mayor celebrated the annual Martin Luther King Day of Service.

Billed by organizers as the largest of its kind in the nation, Philadelphia’s Martin Luther King Day of Service occurred this week. Across the city, residents volunteered their time to make improvements to rec centers, paint murals, build bookcases, and put Dr. King’s call to service into action. For his part, the Mayor visited multiple events, including one celebrating Bayard Rustin at the William Way LGBT Community Center.  One cool project built book nooks for kids, which will be placed in places like laundromats, grocery stores, or barbershops with the goal of increasing early literacy. He also bagged groceries for the Shared Meal Program together with volunteers and members of the Philadelphia Fire Department.

2. Mayor Kenney visited Washington, D.C., for the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter 2017 Meetings.

Joining mayors from across the nation, our mayor spent two days in Washington. He sat on panels focusing on summer jobs and the potential impact the new Trump Administration might have on urban policy. He also spoke at the Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination breakfast meeting, joining Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee to announce the non-partisan coalition’s official launch. “It was great to talk with mayors from across the country,” the Mayor reflected. “Working together now is more important than ever!”

3. Mayor Kenney celebrated the Women Veterans Center, now in its third year of operation.

A program of the Veteran Multi-Services Center, the Women Veterans Center provides help in navigating veteran entitlement programs, assisting homeless veterans looking for permanent housing, and other services not just for women veterans but their entire families. “Many times, when people speak about aiding our veterans when they return home, they forget that women make up a large portion of this population,” the Mayor said. “Our veterans care about us and sacrifice a lot to protect our freedoms and our way of life. We need to show them the same respect when they come home.”

4. The Mayor congratulated the Philadelphia Police Department’s Academy Class 378 upon their graduation.

Mayor Kenney helped welcome the newest additions Philadelphia Police Department as they graduated the academy. “I would like to personally thank all of your for the commitment you are making to ensure the safety of all Philadelphians,” he said. At the graduation, the Mayor credited recent decreases in crime to the Philadelphia Police Department’s emphasis on building up community relations — and the steadfast dedication of the men and women who serve.


5. Mayor Kenney and Parks and Rec Commissioner Kathryn Ott Lovell formally kicked off registration for the second annual Philadelphia International Unity Cup.

After the astounding success of its first year, the Philadelphia International Unity Cup started registration for 2017 this week. “In Philadelphia, we know that diversity is one of our greatest strengths,” the Mayor observed. “Now more than ever, I am committed to protecting Philadelphia’s diversity and our inclusive practices.” The Unity Cup unites the city’s immigrant populations through a World Cup style soccer tournament taking place over several months. People interested in participating should attend one of the Unity Cup’s informational sessions; the first session takes place on February 8.


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