On Tuesday, May 16, Philadelphia voters have the opportunity to approve a ballot measure that would modernize the way the City purchases goods and services, such as supplies, equipment or construction services. This change would update old-fashioned practices and put the City on a level playing field with the federal government, the state, and 18 of the 20 largest cities in the U.S.
Vote Yes on May 16
Ballot Question: Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to allow for the award of certain contracts based on best value to the City?
What is Best Value?
- Current contracting rules require the City to choose the business offering the lowest price, regardless of quality. So the city’s hands are tied when it comes to using any other evaluation standards.
- Changing to Best Value will allow the City to choose vendors for these jobs based on important factors other than just price, including quality and past vendor performance.
Voting for Best Value will:
- Create a clear, transparent and centralized process to help the City modernize and streamline the way it buys goods and services – a win for local citizens and businesses.
- Allow the City to look at multiple factors when awarding contracts – such as a business’s past performance on similar work, their ability to meet diversity goals, as well as price, budget and schedule.
- Open doors for local minority, women, disabled and locally owned businesses that are the economic engines of our economy.
- Best value would apply to only the most complex bids, which represent approximately 5% of City contracts, or 10-12 contracts, annually.
What can you do?
Get up and get out to vote yes on this important measure, and encourage your friends and family in Philadelphia to vote YES on Best Value, Ballot Question 1!
Polls are open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16th. To view sample ballots, find your polling place and more, head to www.PhiladelphiaVotes.com.
“While Philadelphia is not the first to make the shift to best value procurement – it is admirable that city leaders like Mayor Kenney are taking the much-needed first step to more progressive procurement practices.” – Forbes.com.