Vil la ap Pilotage yon nouvo zouti pou fè enfòmasyon ki pèmèt plis aksesib. Navigator Pèmi an ap ede rezidan yo:
Pwojè pilòt sa a ap diminye baryè epi ede rezidan yo navige sistèm pèmi ki deja egziste a pi plis efikasite. Li pa pral ranplase pwosesis aktyèl Vil la.
Rezidan yo ak pwopriyetè biznis yo ka voye fidbak sou navigatè a
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For this pilot, the navigator will support a limited number of residential and business use cases.
The navigator includes permits for renovations to established one- or two-family residences.
At this time, it doesn't include permits related to:
The navigator includes permits and licenses needed to open or expand a storefront business. This type of business includes:
You can view a full list of the available business use cases in the navigator.
The tool will gather information about your project and provide a summary of the required permits, their cost, and links to related content.