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City of Philadelphia

About Us

In March 2008, the Office of Leadership Investment was created to provide central coordination and management for internship and fellowship opportunities available within the City of Philadelphia municipal government. This work has been a significant tool in building an effective talent pipeline for the City. In 2017 the Mayor’s Internship Program was moved to Human Resources & Talent (HR&Talent) which focuses on strategic talent management initiatives across the City government.

The mission of HR&Talent is to build a progressive City workforce utilizing modern and transformational talent management strategies. Key focus areas are recruiting, training and talent development. The goal of the internship program is to develop future leaders for careers in public service and to strengthen our network of new leaders in the City of Philadelphia municipal government.

We carry out this mission through our continuum of leadership and development opportunities available to young people in high school through post-graduate school and new managers within the current city government.

Participants in our Experience! Philadelphia programs are exposed to the inner-workings of municipal government and get to work alongside high-level city managers. Departments throughout the City of Philadelphia government host interns and fellows, offering participants the opportunity to learn about the diverse functions of the nation’s 6th largest municipality. HR&Talent also offers our interns and fellows a varied range of development opportunities, including speaker series, site visits, and trainings.

By investing in Philadelphia’s best and brightest, we invest in our City’s future.

Contact Us

HR&Talent Contact:

Jacob Adeniran

Internship Program Manager

O: 215-683-4773