Encuentra tu día de recolección de basura y reciclaje
Basura, reciclaje y mantenimiento de la ciudad
Encuentra tu día de recolección de basura y reciclaje
La recolección de basura y reciclaje se realiza según lo programado.
Enter your address to see your regular trash and recycling collection schedule.
Holiday collection schedule
Delays after a City-observed holiday: Trash and recycling collection will be delayed by one day for the rest of the week. If the holiday falls on a Friday, collection will take place on Saturday.
Areas with twice a week trash collection: These areas will have only one collection day during a holiday week. Trash will be picked up on the same day as your recycling.
Weekend holiday: Holidays that occur on the weekend won't affect collection the following week.
Two holidays in one week: When there are two City-observed holidays in the same week, collections may be delayed by more than one day or follow a modified schedule.