Roosevelt Boulevard: Route for Change project materials
Roosevelt Boulevard: Route for Change project materials
Project Overview
The City of Philadelphia, PennDOT, and SEPTA are making improvements to create a safe, reliable, and accessible Roosevelt Boulevard in North and Northeast Philadelphia.
The City, PennDOT, and SEPTA are working together to make the Route for Change report a reality. This is a summary of what's happening right now and what's planned over the next 5 years.
Городская Администрация Филадельфии,
PennDOT и SEPTA работают над улучшением
безопасности, надежности и удобства
Рузвельт Бульвара на Севере и Норд-Ист
La ciudad de Filadelfia, PennDOT y SEPTA están
realizando mejoramientos para crear el Bulevar
de Roosevelt seguro, fiable y accesible en el
norte y noreste de Filadelfia.
You will be able to view progress on Vision Zero and safety improvements, Direct Bus enhancements, 2025 interim improvements, and 2040 Route for Change Phase B methodologies for selecting a future preferred alternative. (English, Chinese, and Spanish)