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Office of Sustainability ordinances and regulations

This page contains the ordinances and regulations related to the Office of Sustainability (OOS) and other citywide environmental efforts.

An ordinance is a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal government. A regulation is a rule created by a City department, board, or commission to help them carry out their duties. This process is outlined in the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, Section 8–407.

Some ordinances have related regulations created by the Office of Sustainability to support the goals of the legislation.


Ordinance title Description Related regulations
Office of Sustainability An amendment to the Home Rule Charter that established the Office of Sustainability. None.
LED Lighting in City Buildings and Facilities. This ordinance defines the installation requirements for LED lighting in municipal building projects. None.
Environmental Justice Reporting This ordinance calls for the establishment of the Philadelphia Environmental Justice Advisory Commission and an Environmental Justice online portal. None.
Energy Efficiency and Environmental Design in Construction of Buildings This ordinance sets energy and design efficiency standards for municipal building projects, using the LEED Rating System. See file below.
Benchmarking Energy and Water Use This ordinance guides the creation and enforcement of the citywide benchmarking program. It requires owners of covered buildings to report energy and water use annually. See file below.
Building Energy Performance Policy This ordinance guides the creation and enforcement of the City’s Building Energy Performance program. It requires owners of large non-residential buildings to review and tune-up their buildings’ energy and water systems to save energy and improve system performance. See file below.

