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Municipal waste management plans

State law requires cities and towns to develop municipal waste management plans and update the plans every ten years. Philadelphia’s current plan covers the years 2019 to 2028.

The municipal waste management plan demonstrates:

  • Philadelphia’s disposal or processing capacity for all City-generated municipal solid waste.
  • City efforts to implement feasible recycling initiatives.

The 2019-2028 plan includes information about the waste disposal and recyclables contracts that were executed between the City and regional waste and recyclables processors in July 2019.

The Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee (SWRAC) helped create this plan and meets on an ongoing basis to check the progress of its implementation.

Name Description Released Format
Municipal Waste Management Plan 2019-2028 PDF The City's report for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. October 2020
Municipal Waste Management Plan – Appendix A PDF Philadelphia residential waste disposal and recyclables processing contract documents October 2020
Municipal Waste Management Plan – Appendix B PDF City ordinances October 2020
Municipal Waste Management Plan – Appendix C PDF SWRAC meeting agendas, minutes, and materials (2019-2020 plan update) October 2020
Municipal Waste Management Plan – Appendix D PDF SWRAC comments on draft plan October 2020
