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Name Job title Phone #
Kim Chantry Historic Preservation Planner Supervisor
Historical Commission
(215) 832-2131
Jon Farnham Executive Director
Historical Commission
(215) 832-2125
Shannon Garrison Historic Preservation Planner Supervisor
Historical Commission
(215) 832-2127
Kristin Hankins Historic Preservation Planner II
(215) 683-4628
Heather Hendrickson Historic Preservation Planner II
Historical Commission
(215) 683-3015
Izzy Korostoff Community Initiatives Specialist
Historical Commission
(267) 665-0179
Ted Maust Historic Preservation Planner II
Historical Commission
(215) 686-9706
Allyson Mehley Historic Preservation Planner Supervisor
Historical Commission
(215) 683-4682
Daniel Shachar-Krasnoff Historic Preservation Planner II
Historical Commission
(215) 832-2130
Alex Till Historic Preservation Planner II
Historical Commission
(215) 683-4673
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