Hurricane Ida lands in Philadelphia. Major damage continues from August 31 through September 5.
President Biden declares a major disaster for Pennsylvania.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces a partial funding allocation under the CDBG-DR program.
HUD announces more funding for affected areas. The City begins research and planning activities related to the CDBG-DR program. This includes two needs assessments: one for unmet needs and one for mitigation needs.
First, the City analyzes the impact of Hurricane Ida. This includes identifying needs that haven’t been addressed through other funding sources. This will make up the unmet needs assessment.
Then, the City identifies the greatest risks in Philadelphia. This information is included in the mitigation needs assessment. The mitigation needs assessment is also informed by the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Philadelphia publishes a draft action plan based on identified needs on July 15. This document includes a plan for how the City will use CDBG-DR funds to address those needs. Public comments open for 30 days.
The City hosts two public meetings on August 8: one virtual and one in-person. Public comments close on August 15. The City submits the action plan to HUD by the end of the month.
HUD approves Philadelphia's action plan. Although HUD has approved this plan, the City can submit amendments if needed.
HUD finalizes its grant agreement with the City on February 26.
The City moves forward with the action plan. We'll implement activities from the plan over the next six years. Throughout this period, we'll continue to work with affected communities and update the plan as needed.