






          This is full performance mental health work consulting, advising, and providing mental and behavioral health crisis and suicide intervention in a twenty-four hour, seven days a week crisis call center. Employees in this class provide evidence-informed crisis intervention, suicide prevention, information and referral, and follow-up services to individuals in emotional distress who contact the Philadelphia Crisis Line.   Employees in this class provide a facilitative service to the general public, system partners and healthcare professionals on matters pertaining to evaluation, placement, and treatment.  Significant aspects of the work include authorizing legal warrants for involuntary psychiatric evaluation and commitment requests. Work also involves deploying resources and formulating recommendations and positive interventions for a variety of situations which may be deemed as a threat to life or public safety. Work is performed under the supervision of a technical superior.


ALLOCATING FACTORS: (The following conditions must be met for a position to be approved for this class.)


1.  Employees in this class must perform full performance level mental health work consulting, advising, and providing behavioral health crisis and suicide crisis intervention in a twenty-four hour, seven days a week crisis call center.

2. These positions must work in the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services.





          Receives calls from the public and partner agencies regarding mental and behavioral health crisis and suicide crisis interventions, missing persons and homeless persons with mental illness; assesses and facilitates appropriate level of care disposition; receives calls on the suicide and crisis intervention phone lines; collaboratively explores the caller’s presenting problem and employs evidence-informed tools such as suicide-risk screening, assessment, intervention, referral, and follow-up; facilitates recommended referrals and communications with relevant behavioral health systems; may dispatch a mobile emergency team, or other crisis resource service if it is determined that immediate care is needed or further assessment is necessary; adheres to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network guidelines.

          Acts as a delegate for the county administrator ensuring that actions of the public and professionals in the field are in accordance with established legal mandates, state law and the Office's policies and procedures; may receive calls for emergency involuntary commitments and gives instructions for the proper procedure to be followed to effectuate the commitment process; reviews and evaluates petitions received from crisis response centers and other authorized facilities throughout the City; makes a clinical assessment of the patient's condition via telephone; approves or disapproves the request based on the assessment made and the stipulations set forth in the Mental Health Procedures Act; maintains records of all calls, petitions, and outcomes; reviews and assigns documents from the treating authority when received.

          May assess client’s clinical history from computer file or users of Crisis Response Centers for involuntary commitment cases or other prevailing situations; may use the computer to enter involuntary commitments (302's); uses computer for other work related documents; accesses client data base; makes preliminary recommendation for treatment; arranges sites for emergency psychiatric evaluations. 

          Prioritizes and assesses behavioral health emergencies for appropriate action; prioritizes cases when multiple requests are received based on information gathered for each individual case .

          Provides a referral and informational service when calls are received; interprets and explains Office policy and procedures, court proceedings, and the laws governing the commitment process when appropriate; provides extended follow-up to individuals experiencing thoughts of suicide and other emotional distress, including offering real-time, behavioral health expertise, on-going risk assessment, creation or updating of safety plans, facilitating linkages to treatment providers and other social services, as well as education and consultation; may respond to other city wide crisis and emergencies that require behavioral health and crisis intervention; may provide training to a wide variety of agencies and the public regarding services offered by the Philadelphia Crisis Line; may handle politically sensitive situations that may involve other City departments; may monitor Crisis Response Centers.

           Performs related work as required.


911 Radio Room Assignment


          Receives behavioral health calls redirected from the 911 Call Center; provides consultation to 911 call center staff and supports calls requiring behavioral and crisis intervention; coordinates connections to treatment, resources and referrals for callers; provides training on behavioral health content areas to call center staff.






•         the fundamental types of mental/behavioral health illness and associated symptoms

•         the functions and resources of public and private social, medical, and mental health agencies with emphasis on psychiatric emergency systems and other acute care mental health services

•         the theories, principles, and techniques of working with people with emotional, mental and social problems

•         the laws governing treatment and commitment of persons with mental illnesses

•         the basic policies and procedures governing psychiatric social services in clinics and hospitals




·                incorporating sensitivity to personal values and beliefs ranging from gender expression, age, ethnic, spiritual, developmental, sexual and cultural diversity into clinical work. 

·                effective listening and engagement skills, promoting recovery and resiliency with all callers

·                establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with  system stakeholders (law enforcement, emergency services, providers, etc.) and other healthcare professionals

·                using computer information systems and software including Microsoft Office tools and applications

·                using electronic database systems effectively to document case information

·                written and oral communication

·                identifying and retrieving data




•         create and maintain customer service environment where meeting the caller’s needs is a priority

•         provide evidence-informed crisis intervention and suicide prevention support to individuals in emotional distress in accordance with best practices

•         work collaboratively on a plan of action, including connection to behavioral health, social services and community resources with a focus on reducing acuity of distress   

•         provide high level of service within standardized time constraints, meeting key performance metrics while at times working in stressful situations.

•         triage crisis calls and dispatch Mobile Emergency Teams for face-to-face evaluations.

•         utilize text, chat, video platforms and other digital media to facilitate crisis intervention, supportive contacts and follow-up services.

•         utilize conflict resolution, problem-solving and communication skills

•         participate in individual and group supervision, as well as trainings, professional development and other events

•         assess and interpret an individual's emotional and social distress and to make recommendation for appropriate levels of care

•         recognize symptoms of mental illness

•         assemble, evaluate and interpret pertinent data and make sound recommendations based upon such information

•         determine the need for commitment of individuals



MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE (The following statement represents the minimum training and experience standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.  Applications submitted by candidates for this class will be reviewed based on training and experience requirements as approved on 11/21.)




          Completion of a master's degree program at an accredited college or university with major course work in psychology, sociology, mental health counseling or social work.





          Two years of experience providing direct service to individuals with emotional or social problems in a mental health setting

NOTE:  Completion of a bachelor’s degree and an additional two years of experience as described above may substitute for the master’s degree requirement.



          Any equivalent combination of education and experience determined to be acceptable by the Office of Human Resources, which has included the completion of a bachelor’s degree as an educational minimum.





          Ability to physically perform the duties and to work in the environmental conditions required of a position in this class.


Class Established - 6/87

Spec. Revision:

CSC - 7/03; Ad. Board - 1/04

Spec. Revision:

CSC - 3/10’ Ad. Board – 4/10

Spec. Revision:

CSC - 4/17; Ad. Board – 5/17

Latest Spec. Revision:

CSC – 11/21

Ad. Board – 12/21