
                                                                                                                           PAY RANGE: N25






            This is administrative public personnel work planning, developing, evaluating and managing the staff activities of a City-wide employee relations or labor relations program. Employees in this class are responsible for identifying and implementing ongoing improvements to the City’s employee relations and labor relations programs. Employees in the Employee Relations assignment formulate and implement Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) program management and policies designed to improve employee relations. Employees in the Labor Relations Assignment recommend and implement policies and strategies appropriate for the achievement of program goals and objectives, develops program procedures and provides advice and consultation to city and departmental officials to resolve labor relations problems. 

            Supervision of lower level professional and technical personnel and contact with departmental and other governmental representatives to gain acceptance and achieve conformance to program goals and standards are major aspects of the work.  Work is performed under the direction of a deputy director.






            Directs, plans and implements program activities, policies and procedures through subordinate staff in the central agency and implemented within operating departments; develops recommendations for new or revised policies; devises long- and short-range program goals and objectives; develops proposals for the application of City-wide standards and procedures in disciplinary matters.

            Directs departments related to contract interpretation, grievance handling in labor and employee law; reviews and advises departmental leadership on legislative proposals affecting employee and labor relations; consults on problems encountered by departmental administrators or City officials with respect to implementing or administering program or central agency decisions; obtains legal guidance as required; coordinates with management for appropriate action according to program objectives; responds to requests for information; develops and provides program-related consultations and briefings.

            Develops, supports and conducts technical training; determines training needs, develops objectives, creates and delivers curriculum; develops training courses for supervisory and managerial personnel; evaluates effectiveness and efficiency of program as administered in City departments.

            Performs related work as required.





            Supervises and participates in the staff work involved in a City-wide labor relations program; revises existing or prepares new civil service regulations necessary to implement contract agreements and interest arbitration awards;; Attends and participates in negotiations with employee organizations; acts as management representative and contact with union officials on matters pertaining to the administration and interpretation of contract and arbitration awards; disseminates information to departmental and city officials regarding changes in personnel practices and procedures as a result of negotiation or arbitration.

            Provides staff assistance to the City's negotiating team in the preparation of background studies on issues and demands for union-management contract negotiations; researches and prepares presentations concerning wage and benefit practices and trends.

            Advises departmental officials on courses of action concerning disciplinary cases and other matters which affect the wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment as covered by contract; advises management and leadership on labor relations  matters; represents management in the hearing, negotiation and settlement of grievances including arbitration; partners with departmental human resources staff on complex labor relations issues; collaborates with Legal, Human Resources, and other departmental Labor Relations units to ensure labor laws, and collective bargaining agreements policies are enforced consistently.

            Advises on the interpretation and application of appropriate regulations, standards or agreements; analyzes and evaluates problems and issues and recommends positions and strategies for departmental management to assume; coordinates labor relations program activities and functions with other personnel and departmental programs.




            Directs Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) complaint processing by overseeing the investigation of complaints of discrimination, harassment and unprofessional conduct; reviews reports to include findings; makes recommendations to executive management regarding corrective action, and communicates with management and external agencies and other affected parties on a need-to-know basis; counsels employees and managers on related topics as needed.

            Manages development and maintenance of EEO program by conducting research into current rules and regulations, case laws, and pending legislation; creates and recommends new and/or modified policies; interprets employer responsibilities and obligations.

            Collaborates with Legal, Human Resources, and Labor Relations to ensure EEO laws, and collective bargaining agreements policies are being enforced consistently.

            Assures current legal information affecting equal opportunity/program guidelines is disseminated to responsible officials; conducts periodic monitoring of Americans with Disability Act (“ADA”) compliance including interactive process and reasonable accommodation efforts; advises management and leadership on employee relations; partners with departmental human resources on complex employee relations issues; provide guidance and counsel to employees on employee relations issues and workplace practices; receives, evaluates and responds appropriately to employee concerns; oversees, reviews and advises on investigations of complaints and recommends corrective actions; responds to, manages and resolves employee conflict; assists and advises on the City’s response to crisis.








·         the principles and practices of public personnel and merit system administration

·         the principles, practices and current developments pertaining to collective bargaining negotiation and contracts, labor arbitration, grievance and disciplinary processes, and labor laws

·         the civil service regulations pertinent to the area of labor relations

·         supervisory principles and practices




·         problem-solving among organizational levels to achieve mutual labor objectives

·         evaluating the effectiveness of employee or labor relations programs

·         eliciting information from employees and department and union representatives, concerning disputes and grievances and develop settlements satisfactory to the parties concerned

·         verbal and written executive communication





·         analyze personnel issues and problems and to exercise sound judgment within established rules and regulations in arriving at conclusions

·         plan, supervise and coordinate the activities of subordinates so as to provide effective service

·         present ideas effectively, both orally and in writing

·         establish effective working relationships with associates, employees, departmental representatives and union officials

·         elicit information from employees and departmental and union representatives concerning disputes and grievances and develop settlements satisfactory to the parties concerned


MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE (The following statement represents the minimum training and experience standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.  Applications submitted by candidates for this class will be reviewed based on training and experience requirements as approved on 12/21.)




            Completion of a bachelor's degree program at an accredited college or university.


NOTE: Additional general or specific experience or completion of an industry related certification may substitute for the required education on a year for year basis.





            Three years of employee or labor relations experience.





            Two years of senior level employee or labor relations experience.


NOTE: Completion of a Master’s Degree or Juris Doctorate from an accredited college or university may substitute for two years of the experience.




            Any equivalent combination of acceptable education and experience which includes the specific experience.




            Ability to physically perform the duties and to work in the environmental conditions required of a position in this class.


                                                                                                                  Class Established 1/83

Spec. Revision 7/87

Latest Spec. Revision:

CSC – 12/21

Ad. Board – 01/22