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Hazard Mitigation Plan

Reducing Philadelphia’s Risk

The 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan is getting ready for release! Stay tuned for your opportunity to provide comments on the plan and make sure it represents you and your community.  Once released on March 10th, there will be a 30-day public comment period. Please see the links below to RSVP for the two public meetings that we are hosting to kick-off the 30-day public comment period. Check out our blog post to learn more! 

In-Person Meeting 

Monday, March 10th
6:00- 9:00 PM
Location: Skyline Room, Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Virtual Meeting 

Tuesday, March 11th
6:00- 9:00 PM
Location: Zoom

What is the Hazard Mitigation Plan?

Hazard mitigation is the act of reducing or eliminating the risk of natural, human-caused, or technological disasters. The Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) describes which hazards, like flooding and winter storms, affect Philadelphia. The plan also looks at what City projects can help reduce damage from disasters before they happen.

The current 2022 plan prioritized equity, climate change, and alignment with other City processes and plans. The plan looks at 18 different hazards and lists 190 actions the City can take to reduce our risk.

Overall, more than 190 people from 85 different agencies and organizations engaged in the 2022 update. Public comments from nearly 400 public surveys and numerous community events informed the plan.

View the 2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan here.

View the 2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan Executive Summary Here (available in multiple languages)

View the Philadelphia Hazard Mitigation Plan Fact Sheet Here (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swahili, and Vietnamese)

Why Mitigate?

  • Helps prevent loss of life and injury
  • Prevents damage to property, businesses, and homes
  • Every $1 spent in mitigation = $6 saved in disaster response and recovery
  • Protects the City of Brotherly Love’s unique economic, cultural, and environmental features

Plan and Amendment Documents

Name Description Released Format
2022 All-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) as approved by City Council, FEMA, and PEMA. This is a large download. May 19, 2022 PDF
Annex A: Bibliography A document listing the sources used for the 2022 HMP update. Annexes D, E, and F are For Official Use Only (FOUO). Jan 31, 2022 PDF
Annex B: Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool Required FEMA review tool specifying requirements met. Jan 31, 2022 PDF
Annex C: Meeting and Participation Documentation Documentation of all meetings and workshops held throughout the 2022 HMP Planning Process. Jan 31, 2022 PDF
Annex G: Review of 2017 Mitigation Strategy Documentation of removed, completed, and updated mitigation actions from the 2017 HMP. Jan 31, 2022 PDF
November 2022 Amendment Documentation of the two projects added to the 2022 plan in November 2022. Nov 30, 2022 PDF
2017 Hazard Mitigation Plan Full 2017 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is a large download. May 17, 2017 PDF
2012 Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 assessment of methods for addressing natural hazards in Philadelphia. May 1, 2012 PDF

How can you be involved?

Provide comments

Review the plan and provide us with your comments by emailing

Attend a workshop

Interested in learning more about emergency preparedness and the Hazard Mitigation Plan? Reach out to us at to learn about our workshops.

Follow us

Follow us on social media @PhilaOEM for updates.

Spread the word

Tell everyone who lives, works, or plays in Philadelphia about the plan and how they can get involved!

Reach out

Questions about the plan or curious about how you can schedule a workshop for your community? Reach out to us at

Implementing Mitigation Projects

Does your City agency, organization, or non-profit have a risk reduction project that you think should be in the plan? Are you looking for opportunities to fund a risk reduction project? Check out the opportunities below! 

Each fall, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) opens up two Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs: Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC). FEMA’s FMA and BRIC programs supply funds for hazard mitigation planning activities and implementation of mitigation projects in the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. See the resources below to learn more about the City’s application process for these grants. To express interest in these grant opportunities, please reach out to 

Name  Description  Released  Format 
Identifying Mitigation Actions  Fact sheet to help you learn more about what makes a good mitigation project.  


December 2023  PDF 
Preparing for FEMA’s Annual Hazard Mitigation Grants  Fact sheet outlining recommended next steps to help potential City applicants start planning for FEMA’s annual grant opportunities.  December 2023  PDF 

You can also sign up to receive OEM’s quarterly hazard mitigation newsletter to learn more about:  

  • Updates on new and ongoing hazard mitigation projects in the City; 
  • Updates on plan updates and annual plan reviews; 
  • State and Federal hazard mitigation updates that impact the City; 
  • Major grant opportunities, grant timelines, funding workshops, and opportunities for potential partnerships; 
  • Current training opportunities available; and 
  • Additional hazard mitigation resources. 

Please fill out this form or reach out to to express interest in receiving the hazard mitigation newsletter. 
