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Corporate & Tax Group

The Corporate and Tax Group consists of five units.

Tax Litigation & Collections Unit

The Tax Litigation & Collections Unit is responsible for enforcing the collection of Philadelphia taxes, water debt, and other receivables, representing the City in trial and appellate tax cases, advising the administration and City Council on tax issues, and drafting tax legislation. It has three divisions:

  • Major Tax Litigation Division
  • Real Estate Tax Division
  • Mass Revenue Litigation Division

To contact the Tax Litigation & Collections Unit regarding legal disputes or issues, email:

Major Tax Litigation Division

The Major Tax Litigation Division of the Tax Litigation & Collections Unit represents the City of Philadelphia in all business tax petitions to the Philadelphia Tax Review Board and files delinquent business tax collection complaints over $35,000 in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia County. It also handles most appeals from those cases. In addition to collecting business taxes, the Major Tax Litigation Division collects all City receivables in Federal Bankruptcy Court for all Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 bankruptcies where the City is a creditor. In addition, the division provides legal advice and helps draft legislation for both City departments and City Council. The division also reviews and approves all Department of Revenue regulations and tax credit agreements. Finally, the division handles business tax payoffs for liens, judgments, and business tax accounts.

Real Estate Tax Division

The Real Estate Tax Division of the Tax Litigation & Collections Unit is responsible for representing the City of Philadelphia in the collection of delinquent real estate taxes. The division handles one-third of the foreclosure portfolio directly and manages two-thirds of the portfolio assigned to outside counsel. It also files actions to have a receiver appointed to sequester rents from delinquent commercial property to be applied toward delinquent real estate taxes and other municipal claims. The Real Estate Tax Division also litigates all tax assessment appeals, exemption appeals, and tax abatement cases appealed from the Board of Revision of Taxes (BRT) to the Court of Common Pleas. Finally, the division works with the Department of Revenue to administer the Owner-Occupied Payment Agreement (OOPA) program for low-income taxpayers and handles appeals from the denial of those agreements.

Mass Revenue Litigation Division

The Mass Revenue Litigation Division of the Tax Litigation & Collections Unit is responsible for representing the City of Philadelphia in all water petitions before the Philadelphia Tax Review Board. It also files lawsuits for all business tax delinquencies under $35,000, all non-filer actions, and all water delinquencies before the Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court in Philadelphia County. This division also handles appeals from the Tax Review Board involving water and most Municipal Court appeals to the state appellate courts. In addition, the division provides legal advice to Revenue’s Water Revenue Bureau. The division also reviews regulations promulgated by the Department of Revenue’s Water Revenue Bureau and Philadelphia Water Department and provides legislative support to both departments.


Frances Ruml Beckley, (she/her/hers)
Chief Revenue Counsel
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Name Job title Phone #
Name: Hazara Ali Job title: Legal Assistant
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-0500
Name: Shoba Babu, (she/her/hers) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-0512
Name: Andre Brown, (he/him/his) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-3827
Name: Hannah Cheatham, (she/her/hers) Job title: Legal Assistant
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-4757
Name: Vivian Cherng Job title: Senior Legal Assistant
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-0581
Name: Felicia Costin Job title: Legal Assistant
Tax Litigation & Collections Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-0513
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Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit

The Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions (PABC) Unit represents the Office of Property Assessment (OPA) and a number of City boards and commissions.

The PABC Unit counsels the OPA in the work that it does in assessing all real property throughout the City. It also represents the OPA in appeal hearings before the Board of Revision of Taxes.

Boards and commissions represented by the PABC Unit include the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Board of License and Inspection Review, Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, Fair Housing Commission, Plumbing Advisory Board, and the Board of Building Standards. The PABC Unit represents these boards and commissions and supports the representation of many others as they perform their critical work.


Drew Aldinger, (he/him/his)
Chief Deputy City Solicitor
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Name Job title Phone #
Name: Alison deMedeiros, (she/her/hers) Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-4349
Name: Hilary Emerson, (she/her/hers) Job title: Divisional Deputy City Solicitor
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-4349
Name: Amy Galer Job title: Senior Attorney
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-7675
Name: Yolanda Howard-Jeffers, (she/her/hers) Job title: Legal Assistant
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-7670
Name: Ryan McSherry, (he/him/his) Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 686-8558
Name: Matthew Webster, (he/him) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Property Assessment, Boards & Commissions Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5144
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Regulatory Law Unit

The Regulatory Law Unit handles a wide range of legal matters for the City of Philadelphia, including contracts, real estate matters, regulatory compliance and enforcement, environmental counseling and litigation, complex commercial transactions, airport law, utility law, administrative proceedings, board counseling, rate cases, and energy law.

The Regulatory Law Unit has four divisions:

  • Airport
  • Environmental
  • Right-of-Way & Utilities
  • Water

The Airport Division provides counsel to the Department of Aviation, which operates two airports – Philadelphia International and Northeast Philadelphia Airports. Airport matters include airline agreements, federal and state grants, Federal Aviation Agency and Transportation Security Agency issues, construction, contracts, real estate transactions, and other airport law matters.

The Environmental Division provides environmental counsel to the City on issues involving air pollution regulations and permitting, brownfields, hazardous waste, Superfund, climate change and sustainability, and environmental justice. The Division serves as primary legal counsel to the City’s Office of Sustainability and Health Department Air Management Services.

The Right-of-Way & Utilities Division provides counsel to the Streets Department, Office of Transportation and Infrastructure, Energy Office, Art Commission, and Gas Commission. The Division handles grant and reimbursement agreements, City Plan changes, transportation issues, ordinances, regulations, energy procurement, and matters before the Public Utility Commission.

The Water Division provides counsel to the Water Department; a City-owned water, wastewater, and stormwater utility. The Division handles various types of contracts, private development and infrastructure issues, environmental compliance and enforcement, rate cases, wholesale contracts, administrative proceedings, and any other issues that arise in the operation of the utility.

Name Job title Phone #
Name: Laura Antinucci, (she/her/hers) Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-8452
Name: Alexandra Athanasiadis Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5417
Name: Annelise Couderc, (she/her) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 863-4015
Name: Carrie Dougherty, (she/her/hers) Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 863-4028
Name: Christopher Eisenhower, (he/him/his) Job title: Senior Legal Assistant
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 863-4015
Name: Christopher Hirokawa Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Regulatory Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 863-2799
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Real Estate & Development Unit

The Real Estate & Development Unit represents the City in most of its major economic development initiatives and real estate transactions. The Unit serves as corporate, real estate, and transactional counsel and is called upon to help structure, negotiate, and document significant transactional matters, including most recently: the leasing of city property for the development and operation of a new museum on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the leasing of multiple sites citywide to serve as satellite election offices, and the negotiation of various agreements to facilitate the I-95 CAP project. The Unit also supports the City’s Rebuild initiative, City efforts to convey its surplus property to the Land Bank, and the City’s zoning bonus program.

The Unit’s major client responsibilities include the Department of Public Property, Department of Commerce, Department of Parks & Recreation, Free Library, Department of Records, Streets Department, Department of Planning and Development, and the Office of Homeless Services.


Brendan O'Rourke
Chief Deputy City Solicitor
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Name Job title Phone #
Name: Blake Andres, (he/him/his) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5231
Name: Sierra Applegate, (she/her/hers) Job title: Assistant City Solicitor
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5258
Name: Lawrence Copeland Job title: Senior Attorney
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5039
Name: Jill Freeman, (she/her/hers) Job title: Deputy City Solicitor
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5029
Name: Terry Garfinkel Job title: Senior Attorney
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5051
Name: Michelle Garner, (she/her/hers) Job title: Legal Assistant
Real Estate & Development Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5055
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Commercial Law Unit

The Commercial Law Unit is responsible for the City’s commercial contracts, legal counsel regarding municipal finance matters, the Law Department’s technology practice, and contract and regulatory matters related to housing and economic and community development.

The Commercial Law Unit is composed of four divisions:

  • Contracts & Procurement
  • Health, Human & Community Services
  • Information, Communications & Technology
  • Pensions & Finance

The Contracts & Procurement Division is counsel to multiple City agencies on commercial contracting matters, including competitive procurement law (RFPs and bids), public works contracts, and general corporate law. The Contracts & Procurement Division provides advice on issues related to the construction and application of Charter and Code provisions governing the City’s contracting process, including the contract reform legislation contained in Chapter 17-1400 of the Philadelphia Code. The Division also handles copyright and trademark matters when they arise.

The Health, Human & Community Services Division provides counsel to the Department of Public Health, the Office of Homeless Services, the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services, the Office of Children and Families / Department of Human Services, the Division of Housing and Community Development, the Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity, and the Commerce Department. Principal practice areas include competitive procurement law (RFPs and bids), health and mental health law, and general corporate law. The Division also assists clients with contracts funded by federal and state grants.

The Information, Communications & Technology Division advises on information technology, including contracts for software systems, IT services, and computer hardware with its primary client being the Office of Innovation and Technology. The Information, Communications & Technology Division advises on telecommunication matters and on the myriad of issues surrounding data sharing, including drafting of data license agreements, and works closely with the Law Department’s Privacy Unit.

The Pensions & Finance Division represents the City in financial transactions, including investment management contracts, limited partnership agreements, and municipal bond transactions. The Pensions & Finance Division provides representation to the City’s Pension Board and Sinking Fund in transactional and related advisory matters. Additionally, the Pensions & Finance Division advises the Office of the Director of Finance and the Treasurer’s Office on the management of banking relationships and on the use of capital funds and tax-exempt bond proceeds.


Amanda Stewart Hause, (she/her/hers)
Chief Deputy City Solicitor

As Chief Deputy City Solicitor of the Commercial Law Unit, Amanda Stewart Hause leads the unit that handles the City’s commercial transactions, provides advice and counseling to City departments on contract and procurement law, and is counsel to the City on bond issues and municipal finance matters.

Amanda joined the Law Department in 2019 as a Deputy City Solicitor in the Finance & Contracts Division. In this role, Amanda represented City departments in a broad range of transactions and contract matters. In addition, Amanda has served as Divisional Deputy City Solicitor of two divisions in the Commercial Law Unit. Amanda received her undergraduate degree from Bucknell University and her law degree from Drexel University’s Kline School of Law.

Name Job title Phone #
Name: Deland Bryant, (he/him/his) Job title: Legal Assistant
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5047
Name: Phillip Bullard Job title: Senior Attorney
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5060
Name: Daniel Cantu-Hertzler, (he/him/his) Job title: Senior Attorney
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5061
Name: Whitney Chatmon, (she/her/hers) Job title: Legal Assistant Supervisor
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5022
Name: Adam Coleman, (he/him/his) Job title: Divisional Deputy City Solicitor
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5228
Name: Heather Dobilas, (she/her/hers) Job title: Executive Secretary
Commercial Law Unit
Phone #: (215) 683-5040
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