This page includes local, regional, and national resources related to air management.
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Air Management Services notices
Air quality, emissions and compliance information
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Emission inventory guidelines for facilities
- If your facility is required to submit an annual emission inventory, register your facility with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s AP-42 is a compilation of air emissions factors to assist you with emission calculations.
- Use ECHO (Enforcement & Compliance History Online) to determine whether compliance inspections have been conducted by EPA or state/local government, violations were detected, enforcement actions were taken, and penalties were assessed in response to environmental law violations.
- The AQI (Air Quality Index) tells you how clean the air is and whether it will affect your health. Through AIRNow, EPA, NOAA, NPS, state, and local agencies work together to report current and forecast conditions for ozone and particle pollution.
- AirData presents annual summaries of air pollution data from two EPA databases: the AQS (Air Quality System) database provides air monitoring data – ambient concentrations of criteria air pollutants at monitoring sites, primarily in cities and towns and the NEI (National Emission Inventory) database provides estimates of annual emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants from all types of sources.
- The Air Quality Partnership of the Delaware Valley provides Ground Level Ozone and Particle Pollution Forecasts.
- The Air Toxics Screening Assessment is EPA’s ongoing comprehensive evaluation of air toxics in the United States.
- The EPA’s RadNet tracks fluctuations in gamma radiation emitted from airborne radioactive particles at Philadelphia’s LAB Monitoring Site.
Regulatory sites
- Philadelphia Air Management Regulations
- The Philadelphia Code
- Air Management Code
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast Regional Office
- The Pennsylvania Code
- Pennsylvania Bulletin Online – Includes statewide and local court rules, the Governor’s Proclamations and Executive Orders, Actions by the General Assembly, Rulemakings by state agencies, Proposed Rulemakings by state agencies, and state agency notices.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region 3, Philadelphia office)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (laws and regulations)
Voluntary/sustainable programs
- Clean Air Council | (215) 567-4004
- Engine Technology Forum | (301) 668-7230
- Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative
- Green Building United | (215) 399-5790
- Philadelphia Office of Sustainability | (215) 686-3495
Other sites of interest
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry – Public health statements on specific toxic substances and the effects of exposure
- American Lung Association – Information on lung health, air pollution, and related matters
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
- Environmental Management Assistance Program (EMAP)
- Philadelphia Department of Commerce
- Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspections