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Construction and repair permits

The primary focus of the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) is public safety. Permits allow L&I to perform reviews and conduct inspections of construction and related activities taking place in Philadelphia.

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Building and safety codes

The permit process helps to ensure that projects comply with applicable codes.

Building permits allow work or a change in activity to be done at a building or on a lot. You must file permit applications and pay related fees in order to be issued a permit.

Preliminary plan review

You have the option of having an L&I staff member to review plans and have them answer and/or prepare documentation to address your concerns. To do this, you should request a preliminary plan review.

Once you are ready to build, you’ll need to apply for individual permits.

Emergency repairs

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Permit Navigator Pilot

The City is piloting a permit navigator tool to help residents determine what permits they’ll need for certain projects. The tool also includes information on the cost and application process for select permits. Learn more about the pilot’s mission and project scope.

A pilot project

Permit Navigator

For selected project types, the tool gathers information and provides a summary of the required permits, their cost, and links to related content.

Try the Navigator
