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Training and education

Our training program focuses on increasing honesty and integrity in City government. Our sessions provide critical information about City and State ethics laws. We also share how to apply these laws in the real world.

This page describes our regular ethics training sessions. You can also request a customized training for your group.

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General ethics training

Who is it for?

This training is for all City officers and employees. New City officers and employees must attend within their first 90 days.

What does the training cover?

This training covers:

  • Ethics rules for City officers and employees, including:
    • Conflicts of interest.
    • Gifts.
    • Political activity.
  • Basic information about the State Ethics Act, which applies to some City workers.

When is it?

This training is offered:

This session is 60 minutes long.

Ethics refresher training

Who is it for?

After attending an initial general ethics training within the first 90 days of hire, all City employees must also attend ethics refresher training every one or five years, based upon their role and last start date with the City:

  • EVERY YEAR: Elected officials, members of City boards & commissions, heads of City agencies, and members of the Mayor’s cabinet must attend ethics training annually. Electeds, cabinet members, and agency heads may attend refresher or general ethics training session.
  • EVERY FIVE YEARS: All employees not subject to the annual training requirement must attend training every five years. Deadlines for attending a five-year ethics training are based upon an employee’s last start year with the City:
    • start years ending in 0 or 5 must attend training in calendar year 2025
    • start years ending in 1 or 6 must attend training in calendar year 2026
    • start years ending in 2 or 7 must attend training in calendar year 2027
    • start years ending in 3 or 8 must attend training in calendar year 2028
    • start years ending in 4 or 9 must attend training in calendar year 2029

Through 2029, the five-year ethics training requirement can only be fulfilled by completing a general ethics training session (see above).

Questions about when you are due? Visit to find out more.

Board and commission ethics training

Who is it for?

This training is required for new board and commission members.

It’s also open to:

  • Current board and commission members. (This training fulfills the annual refresher requirement for this group.)
  • Anyone who advises a board or commission.

What does the training cover?

This training covers:

  • Ethics rules for members of City boards and commissions.
  • Basic information about the State Ethics Act.

When is it?

This training is offered:

This session is 45–60 minutes long.

Political activity information sessions

Who is it for?

This training is for anyone considering involvement in a political campaign or partisan political group.

What does the training cover?

This training covers political activity restrictions for City-appointed officers and employees, including:

  • Which rules apply to your City position.
  • Which campaigns are off-limits.
  • What types of activity are permitted.
  • How the rules apply on social media.

When is it?

This training is offered before primary and general elections. View the calendar for upcoming political activity information sessions.

This session is 30–45 minutes long.

Financial disclosure information sessions

Who is it for?

This training is for anyone who files the City or State financial disclosure forms.

What does the training cover?

This training covers:

  • The basics of what gets disclosed.
  • How to use the electronic filing system.

When is it?

This training is offered:

This session is 30–45 minutes long.

Campaign finance

Who is it for?

This training is for:

  • Candidates for City elective office.
  • People who make expenditures to influence elections.
  • Concerned citizens.

What does the training cover?

This training may cover a general overview of campaign finance or address specific topics. Those topics may include:

  • Contributions.
  • Best practices.
  • Campaign finance for ward committees.

When is it?

This training is offered:

These sessions are 60–90 minutes long.


Who is it for?

This training is for:

  • Principals.
  • Lobbyists.
  • Lobbying firms.

What does the training cover?

This training covers:

  • An overview of the City’s lobbying laws.
  • Disclosure requirements.
  • The lobbying system.

When is it?

This training is held periodically throughout the year. View the calendar for upcoming lobbying training sessions.

This session is 60–90 minutes long.
