Privacy in medical appointments gives patients a safe space to receive information and to ask important questions. This is especially true for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV).  It’s critical for healthcare providers to be ready to ask about and discuss these risks. Talking about guns is an important piece of this, especially when there is violence in the home. 

Building Trust to Have Hard Conversations 

While IPV is always risky, guns make IPV especially dangerous. But medical professionals may feel overwhelmed about how to approach this. A new video from Shared Safety highlights how medical professionals can connect with patients to discuss these serious issues.  

In watching the video, medical professionals can learn about:  

  • Statistics about the intersection of IPV and guns. 
  • Reasons why patients may feel nervous to share what they’re experiencing. And tips to make these conversations easier. 
  • Practical ideas to promote gun safety measures and resources for at-risk patients. 
  • Local resources to support patient safety in Philadelphia. 

The video features professionals from Women Against Abuse, National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, and HELP: MLP.  A survivor of IPV also shares how her medical provider connected with her to get help. 

Watch and share this video to make sure medical professionals are aware of this resource! 

More Resources for Medical Professionals: 

Healthcare workers can access additional free online trainings about IPV and sexual assault. 

Connect with resources for health and human services professionals who serve survivors of IPV and sexual assault.