Ethics training for all City officials is an essential part of keeping government operating in the public interest. The Board of Ethics recently amended Regulation No. 7 to require periodic ethics training for all City employees. Beginning in 2025, all City employees must attend ethics training at least once every 5 years. This expanded training mandate builds on existing requirements for new employees and high-level officials. It is designed to promote integrity, transparency, and a strong understanding of ethical conduct in the City workplace.

What does this mean for 2025?

  • All new City officers and employees must attend ethics training within 90 days of their start date.
  • All elected officers, members of a City board or commission, members of the Mayor’s cabinet, and heads of City agencies must attend ethics training in calendar year 2025.
  • *NEW FOR 2025* All City employees hired in years ending in 0 or 5 must also attend ethics training in calendar year 2025:
    • 2020; 2015; 2010; 2005; 2000; 1995; 1990; 1985; 1980; 1975; 1970

Employees in this 2025 training cohort must attend a General Ethics training session during the 2025 calendar year. This includes employees who attended ethics training for other reasons within the past 5 years. Board staff is actively working with HR managers and training coordinators to ensure compliance with ethics training requirements.

General Ethics sessions are presented by Board staff and run approximately 60 minutes. Sessions are available for open registration twice a month via Zoom or may be scheduled directly with Board staff.

What does this mean beyond 2025?

  • All new City officers and employees must attend ethics training within 90 days of their start date.
  • All elected officers, members of City boards or commissions, members of the Mayor’s cabinet, and heads of City agencies, must attend ethics training annually.
  • *NEW* All other City employees, must attend ethics training at least once every 5 years. Training due dates are determined by latest start date with the City. Training must be completed during the designated calendar year.
    • start years ending in 0 and 5 must attend training in 2025 and every year thereafter ending in 0 and 5
    • start years ending in 1 and 6 must attend training in 2026 and every year thereafter ending in 1 and 6
    • start years ending in 2 and 7 must attend training in 2027 and every year thereafter ending in 2 and 7
    • start years ending in 3 and 8 must attend training in 2028 and every year thereafter ending in 3 and 8
    • start years ending in 4 and 9 must attend training in 2029 and every year thereafter ending in 4 and 9

For more information about Regulation 7, or to connect with Board of Ethics staff to set up a training, please contact at