In October 2024, the City of Philadelphia co-hosted a public open house at Jefferson University with Washington Square West and Society Hill Civic Associations to present plans and gather feedback on the Spruce and Pine Streets Bike Lane Safety Upgrades project. Nearly 400 people attended the meeting.  

From 368 exit surveys completed at the meeting, we found: 

  • Most respondents at the meeting do live along the corridor, and 
  • Those who attended the meeting walk and bike often, including those who live along the corridor and those who don’t. 

Approval rating of the City Recommendations was generally supportive:    

  • 4.1 stars out of 5 for all attendees   
  • 4.0 stars out of 5 for those who live/work on the corridor   
  • 3.6 stars out of 5 for those who live on the corridor 

 For more details about the Exit Survey Results, please review the public open house exit survey analysis presentation here.

The City also received many comments and feedback, including on the Exit Surveys, loading zone diagrams, and more than 130 emails. A full comment and response table is here and addresses comments and concerns including parking and loading needs and locations, bike lane design, daylighting for pedestrian safety, traffic calming, and emergency vehicle access, among other issues. This table will be shared with each meeting attendee and those who shared loading zone comments through an online tool for loading-related comments.

At the October public meeting, City and Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) staff proposed a loading zone layout for each block on Spruce and Pine Streets with the initial recommendations available for review and comment. The loading zone recommendations were refined after conversation with institutions, resident groups, and the PPA. Some details are still under development, including the loading zone details at large institutions, residential buildings, and at existing turn lane locations. You can view the updated loading zone recommendations here.

On January 13, we held the first Spruce & Pine Stakeholder Working Group meeting. The group is a City Council-endorsed engagement method with membership from key RCO and stakeholder groups committed to collaborative problem-solving on the corridor. The following groups participated:   

  • Washington West Civic Association  
  • Society Hill Civic Association  
  • Center City Residents Association  
  • Families for Safe Streets  
  • Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia  
  • Philly Bike Action!
  • Friends of Pine & Spruce

At the meeting, the group discussed Phase 1: Curbside Regulations with the updated “No Stopping Anytime” regulations and signs and new loading zones on each block, which will happen in early Spring 2025. The group also discussed Phase 2: Infrastructure. The Steering Committee will work through ideas for the corridor together in monthly meetings over the next several months and jointly release a Stakeholder Working Group Recommendation Document in June 2025. 

Next Steps 

The City and Philadelphia Parking Authority will roll out Phase 1: Curbside Regulations in early Spring 2025 with new loading zones and “No Stopping Anytime” signs on each block.  

The City will continue to work toward traffic safety improvements on Spruce and Pine streets in 2025.