The City of Philadelphia Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (OTIS) is planning the next five-year Vision Zero Action Plan. This project is part of the commitment by Mayor Cherelle L. Parker’s executive order in March 2024 to eliminate all traffic deaths on City of Philadelphia streets.
As required in the executive order, the Vision Zero Task Force will release the new Vision Zero Action Plan and Capital Plan by October 31, 2025. The Action Plan and Capital Plan will guide planning, programming, and funding from 2025 through 2030. Over the next ten months, the action items in the Action Plan, and the capital projects that direct significant infrastructure investments, will be developed in tandem.
The Action Plan and the Capital Plan are critical documents that lead to citywide safety improvements like the Neighborhood Slow Zone Program and corridor improvements like the Market Street Old City Improvement Project.
To develop these plans, the City needs input from all Philadelphians about their traffic safety concerns and their goals for the safe future of Philadelphia. The City has developed several tools to gather public input for the Action Plan. You can review the list below and visit for more information:
- Public survey: The City is collecting feedback from the public on their top concerns regarding traffic safety through several survey instruments, including random-sample polling, in-person paper surveys, and an online survey.
- Roundtable focus groups: Community and interest groups are invited to participate in roundtable focus groups, which are facilitated discussions on key traffic safety concerns impacting communities across the city. Groups are invited to request a meeting through the interest form.
- Pop up events: City staff and Vision Zero ambassadors will be popping up at neighborhood events across the city to collect feedback to inform the action plan.
- Monthly newsletter: The Vision Zero newsletter will provide updates on the status of the action plan development. Sign up here for the monthly e-blast.
In December 2024, the City released the 2024 Vision Zero Annual Report, which highlighted that fatal crash trends remain above pre-2020 levels. The post-2020 increase in traffic deaths has most impacted vulnerable road users. As compared to the 2015-2019 average, deaths among people in a vehicle increased by 29 percent, while deaths among people walking and rolling increased by 65 percent.
To combat this unacceptable loss of life, the City has been implementing proven safety countermeasures. Projects include:
- On Roosevelt Boulevard, the numbers have proven that automated speed enforcement (ASE) programs work and will expand to five new corridors starting with PA Route 611 (Broad Street/Old York Road) in early 2025.
- At the formerly complex intersection of Penrose Avenue, South 20th Street, Packer Avenue, and West Moyamensing Avenue, the new Penrose roundabout project simplifies travel and improves safety for all road users.
Consider getting involved to learn more about traffic safety improvement projects and make a positive impact on your community.