The Roosevelt Boulevard: Route for Change program aims to create a safe, reliable, and accessible Roosevelt Boulevard in North and Northeast Philadelphia. The program partners include the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), and SEPTA.

The Route for Change program will include three major phases:

  • The Boulevard Todayprojects to be completed by 2026
  • The Boulevard Tomorrowtraffic safety and transit improvements to be completed by 2029
  • The Boulevard Reimaginedroad design and transit services that will change the look and feel of the Boulevard by 2040

Over the next month, the program team is hosting four (4) open houses and releasing an online survey to update the community and to gather feedback on the Boulevard Reimagined study. The online public survey opened on Monday, December 9. The survey contains the same information and feedback questions as the open houses.

As part of the larger Route for Change program, the Boulevard Reimagined study will identify a new roadway design and SEPTA transit service for Roosevelt Boulevard. Project goals include

  • Enhancing safety, accessibility, and reliability for all users, including pedestrians, and
  • Supporting local and regional travel needs, changing land use patterns, and enhancing connectivity and mobility to local communities while promoting economic opportunities.

The purpose of the open houses is to collect input from the community on design concepts of various roadway designs and transit service options. Residents will have the opportunity to circulate among the subject displays to gather information and discuss the different facets of the alternatives with PennDOT’s design team and representatives from the City and SEPTA.

The dates and locations for the four upcoming open houses are:

For more information, please visit the Roosevelt Boulevard: Route for Change program page or email questions to