In July, the Independence Public Media Foundation (IPMF) announced $3.8 million in grant renewals, including $120,000 for the City’s Digital Literacy Alliance (DLA) as part of IPMF’s Internet for All grant making priorities.  

This grant cycle provides ongoing multi-year general operation and project support to IPMF grantees aligned with the foundation’s strategic vision. IPMF knows that providing multi-year support is critical for the long-term stability and sustainability of grantee-partners and will allow them to make a deep and lasting impact in our communities.  

Since 2018, IPMF has been the leading local foundation supporting digital inclusion and its Internet for All funding is invaluable to ensuring Philadelphians have access to low-cost internet, devices, and digital skills. 

This funding from IPMF will support the DLA’s 2024 cycle of grantmaking, focused on innovative community engagement practices that address digital inclusion through resident volunteers, peer leadership, and/or community ambassador models. The DLA’s grant cycle aims to build a growing ecosystem of local residents who can help their neighbors, friends, and family members get connected to the City’s Digital Navigators, find a digital skills class, and get online to achieve their goals. 

The Independence Public Media Foundation awarded the Digital Literacy Alliance another grant of $37,000 to further support these digital equity initiatives. The additional funding was made possible by IPMF’s partnership with the Democracy Fund. 

DLA grant applicants submitted their proposals for the current cycle in August 2024 and will be awarded two-year grants in early October of 2024.  

Previous funding from IPMF has supported the DLA in building the local digital inclusion landscape including: 

  1. 2021: digital literacy and equity programs for immigrants and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities. Over 1300 unique individuals were provided with digital skills supports in over 10 languages across Philadelphia. 
  2. 2022: PCs for People to scale up device recycling, refurbishing and technical support in Philadelphia. PCs for People has distributed over 1700 computers to families in need and over 1000 people were provided tech support since this grant cycle began. 

About the Digital Literacy Alliance:  

The Digital Literacy Alliance (DLA) is a coalition of digital inclusion partners working to overcome the digital divide in Philadelphia. DLA develops strategies, manages a seed fund, raises funding, and oversees funded programs. 

The DLA is coordinated by the City’s DigitalEquityPHL team and includes leaders in government, nonprofits, local companies, universities, and more. Members meet monthly for proposal reviews, grant-making, and fundraising.