This summer, local non-profit Fab Youth Philly paid 23 teens to get their lifeguard certification from Parks & Rec.  

Parks & Rec water instructors trained the participants, who received $13 an hour from Fab Youth Philly. Teens who earned their certification were guaranteed a summer job. They were also eligible for the summer signing bonus.  

Drexel’s West Philadelphia Promise Neighborhood provided every teen with: 

  • A bathing suit. 
  • A bathing cap.  
  • Pool slides. 
  • Googles. 
  • A towel.  

Fab Youth Philly also partnered with Temple University to conduct a second training session. It was held this past February-April on the university’s campus. The university provided the use of its pool and other facilities.   

Fab Youth Philly conducted paid workshops on how to:   

  • Read a first paycheck.  
  • Budget money.  
  • Create or update a resume.  
  • Make a LinkedIn profile.  

The nonprofit helped teens complete the lifeguard job application. They also worked with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to provide teens with the required physical exams.   

Recently, Fab Youth Philly received a state grant to teach up to 40 teens per year for three years how to swim. The swim lessons will help them complete the lifeguard certificate training. The grant will also pay 40 teenagers to earn their lifeguard certificate.                                                                                                                                              

This program:  

  • Provides a safe place for teenagers to be on Saturdays.   
  • Helps teenagers develop positive relationships. 
  • Builds workplace skills and work history.  
  • Teaches a life-saving skill—how to swim.  
  • Encourages public, private, and nonprofit organizations to work together to solve city-wide challenges.   
  • Fosters connections between public pools and community members.   


Find more information about the requirements to become a lifeguard.