On Saturday, June 29, 2024, the Office of Sustainability (OOS) hosted the second Eastwick Community Day at the Eastwick Regional Playground. The event was organized by a committee including staff from Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Eastwick United CDC, State Representative Regina Young’s Office, FEMA, and US Fish & Wildlife Services at Heinz.

Through the Eastwick: From Recovery to Resilience initiative, OOS holds a series of virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings to provide residents with information on flood mitigation, share neighborhood and quality of life updates, and listen to concerns about the neighborhood. In place of the quarterly virtual town hall, Eastwick Community Day is an opportunity to bring joy and community building to a serious discussion topic. 

Representatives from agencies, government offices, and community organizations attended to speak with residents about flood mitigation, environmental justice, and resources available to them. Outdoors, staff from John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge led residents of all ages in archery on the tennis courts. Indoors, kids and teens worked on a collaborative paper quilt project with each tile representing what their community means to them.  

Over 20 groups were in attendance at Eastwick Community Day 2024 including:  

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
  • Office of Multimodal Planning
  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health
  • PHL Airport
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services
  • Eastwick United
  • Eastwick Friends and Neighbors Coalition

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about OOS’s work in Eastwick, visit Eastwick: from Recovery to Resilience or email eastwick@phila.gov. We hope to see you at Eastwick Community Day 2025!