Now through Tuesday, October 1, the Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) Parkway Central is hosting an exhibition to showcase collaborative new artwork, “BE/LONGING.”

Visitors can examine art created by workshop participants throughout the city expressing what “belonging” means to them.


“BE/LONGING” anchors itself in the series of FLP library workshops led by Philadelphia-born artist Joanne Grüne-Yanoff and includes participation from kids, teens, adults, elders, vision-impaired and sighted individuals, lifelong residents, and new arrivals.

Grüne-Yanoff, a transdisciplinary artist based in Stockholm, Sweden, and Philadelphia, collaborated with the Free Library’s Curator of Exhibitions, Suzanna Urminska, to create the workshops at various libraries. They included Parkway Central, Tacony, McPherson Square, and Thomas Donatucci Sr.

The resulting exhibition now lives at the Parkway Central Branch, and is on view now through October 1. It includes:

  • Banners incorporating quotes from workshop participants on belonging.
  • Embossed/braille images and text of the banners for those who are visually impaired.
  • An audio piece with layers of sound, including workshop participants talking about belonging.
  • Related artworks created for the glass cases at FLP’s West Gallery 1.
  • Typewriters (braille and standard) for visitors to share their thoughts on belonging, which will be incorporated into the exhibition.

These pieces of art comprise a community-based story of BE/LONGING throughout Philadelphia. We are excited for residents and visitors to join in and contribute to the story.

Interested in a group tour? Contact Suzanna Urminska, Curator of Exhibitions, at to schedule a visit and hear more from the artist and curator through a hybrid walkthrough.

Tours are currently being booked for the weeks of July 22 and September 9, and additional slots may be added based on interest, so reach out with your requests!

Learn more on Joanne Grüne-Yanoff. Learn more on BE/LONGING.