In the fall of 2020, the City of Philadelphia kicked off the Philadelphia Taking Care of Business (PHL TCB) Clean Corridors Program to expand the Department of Commerce’s existing commercial corridor cleaning efforts from 49 commercial corridors to now 129 throughout the city. TCB funds community-based nonprofits to sweep sidewalks and remove litter within neighborhood commercial corridors. TCB cleaning is carried out by crews of more than 255 uniformed Cleaning Ambassadors deployed along scheduled cleaning routes to remove litter and address trash dumping. They live in and care for the commercial areas in neighborhoods that they serve.  

TCB Ambassadors are all on the front lines, doing more than sweeping up litter by interacting with businesses and residents who see them out on a regular schedule. Cleaner streets support healthier lives, and more economic opportunities for all. TCB cleaning ambassadors also attain credentials that are highly valued by employers across many industries, which can benefit them when searching for future employment opportunities, such as enrolling in workplace safety, and career readiness programs. The PHL TCB program is part of a larger effort by the Department of Commerce to enhance and promote vibrant commercial corridors. 

Litter reduction in Kensington & Allegheny

TCB Cleaning Ambassadors are champions of litter reduction and environmental care citywide! That includes the team at Impact Services regularly cleaning Kensington & Allegheny. 

Here’s what Jonathan Arrieta (JA), Director of Implementation at Impact Services had to say about what the PHL TCB program means to the team.

How do you activate impactful efforts through your organization for the areas that you serve, including Kensington & Allegheny?

JA: Since 1974, Impact Services has been working in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia to help local residents re-enter the workforce, train for jobs, and grow with self-determination. At Impact Services, we take a comprehensive and trauma-informed approach in meeting the needs of residents while helping them become positive changemakers in their own communities. 

We see the potential of every resident in Kensington, and we believe in each other. I grew up in Kensington, and Impact Services saw my humanity enough to give me a chance to grow. Now, I am the Director of Implementation at Impact Services helping my neighbors reach their highest potential too. At Impact Services, we value the voices of every resident. We believe that to keep activating the positive change that we want to see, we must empower the people who live there to lead and unite.

How does the PHL TCB program support your organization’s mission?

JA: Impact Services has a workforce development model that is personalized to the talents, needs and visions of each resident for the neighborhoods that they live in. The residents of Kensington are beautiful people who care about where they live and want to make an impact. 

That’s why we are so proud and grateful to be part of the PHL Taking Care of Business Clean Corridors Program. This investment from the City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce helps residents gain more skills, and reduce litter where we serve. It contributes to the opportunities we give our local residents building them into the leaders of today and tomorrow. I am pleased to oversee this program with such a wonderful, and hardworking team. 

Since PHL TCB began, how would you describe the difference in commercial corridors that you’ve cleaned?

JA: It is extremely beneficial that this program helps us employ more local residents and give them access to opportunities while improving the quality of life where they live. We have heard so many stories from businesses and residents who feel like we and the City care about them when they see the team cleaning the streets. I am proud of the team for all that they do to reduce litter on Kensington & Allegheny. PHL TCB interconnects with and helps support our additional efforts to help Kensington & Allegheny become the best that it can be. Every investment matters.

What do you think is the importance of litter reduction and clean streets in Philadelphia, Kensington & Allegheny?

JA: It means so much. Clean streets support healthier kids, healthier families, healthier mindsets. It helps people feel like they can enjoy where they live even more and motivates them. These litter reduction helps build even more relationships with our neighbors and local businesses. It means that people can also take initiatives to keep their own sidewalks clean, and that the work that they are doing is not in vain. It is helping, and will keep helping when we work together, as one. 

Workforce development is important to Impact Services. How do these efforts help affirm the strengths of your team?

JA: We work together, we grow together. It helps team members learn more about what they can do and hear from those around them how appreciated they are. We make sure that the team knows that they are not alone and that they can express what they need as they work to take care of clean streets on Kensington & Allegheny. 

Every day is not easy, yet they persevere. It helps them learn more about their strengths, take workforce training, and get them to a sustainable career pathway hopefully. PHL TCB is a bridge for more opportunities. We want to keep elevating residents throughout the neighborhood.

How does the support from the Department of Commerce support your efforts? 

JA: It is great to see when the government works for the people and provides opportunities for people to employ local residents. PHL TCB is successful in its implementation in supporting our mission at Impact Services. We truly appreciate it. The Department of Commerce does great and meaningful work. I have a really good relationship with everybody at the Department of Commerce.  The Parker Administration is very supportive in giving us a voice. 

What motivates you every day? What would you want people to know about your efforts at Kensington & Allegheny?

The voices of residents on Kensington & Allegheny motivate me every day. Our people are talented, know their neighborhoods and have a vision for what positive change they would like to see.

We are committed to growing in our self-determination to reach our goals, for us and for our neighbors. Through that journey, we appreciate all the support we can get because together, we can achieve more. I want the public to remember that Kensington residents are beautiful people, and not just define the trauma that has been placed into our lives. We are so much more and have always been. We have amazing relationships, and our community-building is strong. We see who cares about us, and we appreciate them.

Hear from local residents

Kensington & Allegheny is home to many residents who want to see their neighborhoods become the best that it can be. That includes Josmarie and Howard who were PHL TCB Cleaning Ambassadors, and now moving into more leadership roles in service of where they live.

Tell us a bit about your journey in your role now in service of Kensington?

Josmarie: I am so grateful that Impact Services gave me the opportunity to work through the PHL TCB program. They gave me a chance, and I have learned a whole lot. I am so grateful for all the residents who would express how grateful they are for how we are taking care of our sidewalks, and even joining in to help out in many ways. I also gained more skills through the OSHA training that PHL TCB provided and prepared for many scenarios at work. Impact Services has been so supportive of me, and such an amazing team. PHL TCB was a stepping stone, and now I get to do more. At the core though, my dream for Kensington remains the same. I dream that my family can enjoy going to the park and that the streets are cleaner.

Tell us a bit about your journey in your role now in service of Kensington?

Howard:  I have been working with Impact Services since 2008 when I wanted a better life for me and my daughter. I did not smile much before working at Impact Services, and now I smile a lot because of the amazing support system we have. I have been serving my community for years now, driving around to reduce litter and the neighbors know me well. When I was growing up as a kid, that’s what I would do and since, I have been getting paid to do so. I invest a lot of time and energy into keeping the streets clean. I am proud to have been part of the PHL TCB program, and now moving into other work types with Impact Services. It makes me feel valued that what I want for my life, ways that I want to grow are both valued. I think what we are doing can inspire people to keep it clean, care for each other and our neighborhoods. We are keeping our heads up.