Community Schools Week is celebrated with fun-filled events that highlight the successes of Community Schools, coordinators, partners, and students. 

The Phillies Game

This year’s annual Community Schools Week kicked off Monday, June 3, at Citizens Bank Park with Community Schools at the Phillies Game. Community School coordinators sold over 600 seats. As a result, Principal Thompson from George Washington High School threw the first pitch. The Phillies played the Milwaukee Brewers and secured a victory that night.

Student Talent Showcase

Some students showcased impressive artwork. Others provided musical performances, captivating dance routines, and heartfelt hip-hop lyrics at the first annual Community Schools Talent Show. The event took place on the evening of Tuesday, June 4, at the Community College of Philadelphia.

The auditorium was filled with an active audience, making every student on the stage feel special. Each star went home with a trophy and certificate.

Community Schools Award Ceremony

To end the week-long celebration, OCF hosted its 6th Annual Community Schools Award Ceremony on Wednesday, June 5. This year’s theme was Vibrant Diversity, One Community School Family, for which guests were asked to proudly represent their schools by color.

The night honored exceptional students, community members, and partner organizations who, over the past school year, have actively engaged and contributed to the success of Community schools. OCF’s Deputy Chief Managing Director Vanessa Garrett Harley provided remarks, followed by a heartwarming video from the awardees, and dinner. OCF sends a special shoutout to the 24 awardees who received a certificate of appreciation! This work wouldn’t be possible without your support.

Community Schools is a partnership between the City of Philadelphia, the School District of Philadelphia, and school communities that aims to remove barriers to learning and support each student’s success.

In each Community School, a Community School Coordinator supports strategic partnerships and programs that promote wellness, stability, and learning opportunities for students, families, and neighbors.