Are you a Philadelphia taxpayer or water customer? Paying your bills on time and in full is extremely important as these payments support essential City services like stormwater management, public schools, and water treatment plants.

If you cannot pay your full bill, you should apply for help. There are several City-led assistance programs available to taxpayers and water customers who cannot pay their entire bills. If you don’t qualify for assistance, you can enroll in a payment plan to stay current. We have multiple options with flexible terms. If a payment plan is not an option, you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise for business taxes.

If you take these steps, your account will remain in good standing, and you will not be referred to collections. But act fast because paying your bill late will only increase your debt. Things can get even more complicated if your bill becomes delinquent or overdue. We’re sharing additional details below.

Overdue or delinquent accounts are referred to collections

Eight private collection agencies, including four law firms, have been authorized by the City to collect delinquent taxes, fees, and water bills on its behalf. Here are the agencies, their phone numbers, and what they do for the City:

Agency Phone number Responsible for collecting:
Alliance One (215) -354-5500 Delinquent business taxes and water charges
Goehring, Rutter & Boehm (GRB) (215)-735-1910 Overdue and delinquent Real Estate Tax. GRB also conducts tax sales, business discovery, and sequestration on the City’s behalf.
Harris & Harris (800)-362-0097 Real Estate Tax, business taxes, water charges and Commercial Trash Fees.
Pioneer (800)-836-2442 Business taxes, overdue and delinquent Real Estate Tax, and Commercial Trash Fees.
Revenue Collection Bureau, Inc (RCB) (215)-288-6800 Real Estate Tax, business taxes, water charges, and conducts business discovery work.
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP (LBR) (215)-790-1117 Conducts tax sales and aids in post-judgment execution.
Salaman Law (215)-568-7575 Post-judgment execution for business taxes.
Wong Fleming (609)-951-9520 Post-judgment execution for business taxes.

What to expect

A collection agency will only contact you if our efforts to collect your debt have failed. When referred to collections, be aware that:

  • Your debt may grow,
  • You might be charged additional fees, and
  • Some payment agreement options will not be available to you.

The agencies may send you a collection letter if you have fallen behind on your taxes, fees, or water bills and haven’t applied for assistance or enrolled in a payment plan. They may also use phone calls, emails, and court actions to collect money owed to the City.

If they call you, they may ask for the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth, property address, or phone number to verify they’re talking to the right person. Visit this webpage to find out whether the agency contacting you is authorized by the Department of Revenue.

Act quickly

You can avoid extra charges, liens against your property, being sent to collections, or even a tax sale by paying your bills on time and in full. It is easiest to pay City bills online. It’s safe and secure. Nevertheless, we understand life happens and are happy to help you stay current. But act before your account is sent to collections.