In 2023, the Streets Department has accomplished a great deal. From rolling out the single largest energy conservation project the city has undertaken through the Street Lighting Improvement Project to onboarding 200 new Future Track Trainees, to installing 175 cameras to enforce against illegal dumping and adding two new units to the Department, School Crossing Guards and Public Safety Enforcement Officers. Below is just a snapshot of the highlights of the year. The Streets Department would like to thank all the block captains, community groups and city agencies for partnering with us to help keep our city clean, green and safe.
School Safety Traffic Improvements
The Streets Department commemorated the installation of traffic improvements for school students with the installation of traffic calming safety measures around 50 public, private and charter schools. Using established crash data criteria and speed ratings, the schools selected received permanent asphalt speed cushions, pavement markings and traffic safety signage around the entire perimeter of the schools, with special emphasis on school crossing guard locations and main entrances to the school.
Future Track Workforce Development Program
The Streets Department’s FY24 Future Track Workforce Development Program is the largest and most robust in the history of the program. The Department is targeting 200 Future Track participants to initially perform neighborhood and alley cleaning work, with an emphasis on alleys vital to the Philly Streetlighting Improvement Project (PSIP) which will install and convert LED lighting in alleyways throughout the city. over 400 alleyways have been cleared as part of the PSIP project, with the other deployments focused on assigned community and neighborhood cleaning work.
Martin Luther King Bridge, Jr. (MLK) Bridge Rehabilitation Project
In March, City officials joined Federal partners to highlight $20.1 million in federal infrastructure investments which will fully fund the structural rehabilitation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Drive Bridge, located between MLK Drive and Eakins Oval.
Illegal Dumping Enforcement
- 175 cameras installed citywide for short dumping litter enforcement and traffic monitoring.
- 15 arrests
- 171,337 Notice of Violations Issued
- 202,309 tires collected
- 2,266 locations serviced for illegal dumping
- 16,478 tons of illegal dumped materials removed
- Over 90% of Illegal Dumping Cases that have gone to court have resulted in a judgement for the City
Street Lighting Improvement Project: The single largest energy conservation project the city has undertaken
The roll out of the Street Lighting Improvement Project (PSIP) to replace and connect approximately 130,000 streetlights into a network of more efficient, longer-lasting, remotely controlled light emitting diode (LED) lights is the City’s largest energy conversation. The project will reduce streetlighting energy use by more than 50 percent and allow for better performing streetlights will support public safety by improving nighttime visibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. Installed over 3000 new LEDs with smart nodes and added over 6000 smart nodes to previously installed LEDs. Over 3,000 new LEDs have been installed and over 6,000 LEDs have been added to previously installed LEDs.
Over 1.8 million pounds of trash was removed through the City’s Mechanical Cleaning Program
A total of 32,230 miles were cleaned from 14 areas of the city through the Mechanical Cleaning Program.
School Crossing Guards and Public Safety Enforcement Officers
The Streets Department officially assumed full management, administrative and budgetary responsibility for the City’s School Crossing Guard Program and launched the Public Safety Enforcement Officer Program.

Maintained on-time trash collection rate above 90%
The Streets Department has consistently maintained an on-time trash collection rate above 90%.
Manage 18 Capital Projects totaling $106 million
- Montgomery Bridge over Amtrak & Conrail: In 2023, bridge demolition was completed; new reinforced concrete abutment walls were constructed atop pile footings; new steel girders were erected atop the abutment walls; new retaining walls were constructed along with new brick roadway approach pavement; existing deep PWD sewer was lined.
- Duval Street Bridge: Emergency contract to remove the existing bridge was bid in September 2023. Bridge demolition and removal started in November 2023 and is slated to be completed removed by December 2023.
- Rising Sun Avenue Intersection: Construction was completed in 2023. The project involved the installation of new traffic mast arms & signals, new traffic islands and ADA curb ramps, line striping and other intersection safety improvements, as well as drainage improvements at the intersection.
- Cobbs Creek Guiderail: The project included guiderail upgrades and removal of older sub-standard guiderail treatments on Cobbs Creek Parkway between Woodland and Springfield Avenues. The project also included new asphalt curbing and street lighting work to bring existing street lighting up to current standards.
- Cobbs Creek Segment ‘D’ trail and traffic improvement project along Lindbergh Boulevard, accessing the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge
- Kensington & Tacony (K&T) Trail Phase 2 project for the ‘rails-to-trails’ construction of a pedestrian and bicycle path along the Delaware River
- ADA Transition Ramp project in Center City and Society Hill
- Historic street rehabilitation and ADA Ramp construction in Society Hill (Dock Street, 38th Parallel Place and Spruce Street)
- Pedestrian Safety Improvement project at Broad and Locust Streets including the construction of raised roadway and crosswalk, ADA ramps, drainage and decorative crosswalks, and Parkside Vision Zero Corridor Improvement project.
Transportation Projects in Progress:
- Franklin Square Pedestrian Access (Phase 2)
- Penrose Roundabout
- Cramp Slow Zone
- 10th Memorial Slow Zone
- Intersection improvements at Broad Street, Germantown Avenue and Erie Avenue
- Traffic Improvements along the Island Avenue corridor between Woodland and Bartram Avenues
- Roosevelt Boulevard/Adams Avenue and Summerdale Intersection Improvement
Increased Recycling Tonnage
- Recycling tonnage up by 22% from 2022 to 2023
- Recycling contamination down more than 8% yielding savings of over $1.5M in recycling processing costs
Traffic Calming and Safey Improvements
- 160 Pedestrian countdown signals installed.
- Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) were installed at 86 crosswalks, for visually impaired & blind pedestrians, for ADA compliance.
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons were installed at 8 mid-block uncontrolled crosswalks at high pedestrian crossings, to enhance safety.
- 309 rubber speed cushions were installed throughout the city at locations where speeding was excessively over posted residential 25 mph speed limit.
- 14 rubber speed tables were installed where excessive speeding and motorcycle drag racing was prevalent.
- 446 permanent asphalt speed cushions were installed around schools and on City blocks with speeding and crash issues.
- 12 permanent asphalt speed tables were installed to slow down traffic & discourage motorcycle drag racing.
- Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) which provide 3-5 second head start to pedestrians, prior to any vehicle movements installed.
- 48 traffic signals integrated into KITS enabling TOC remote online access for traffic management. The signal timings can be changed remotely to alleviate congestion, accommodate special events, emergency detours & so on
37,506 filled