PHILADELPHIA — On November 30, shortly before noon, Gino Hagenkotter (34-year-old male), an incarcerated person from the Riverside Correctional Facility, escaped custody during an outside work detail assignment in the orchard behind the Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Facility (PICC) at 8201 State Road. Hagenkotter remains at large and the Philadelphia Police Department and local law enforcement partners are investigating and closely monitoring the PICC perimeter and surrounding areas.

Hagenkotter is serving a sentence for charges related to theft and burglary and met the criteria to have an outside work assignment. Although this individual was in minimum custody, he should not be approached and anyone who sees him or is contacted by him should immediately call the police.

By 12:20 p.m., all Philadelphia prison facilities had been secured and placed in lockdown. Visits at all Philadelphia prison facilities have been discontinued.

Images of Hagenkotter, including his appearance and clothing when last seen, are available in this folder.

Updates and details will be shared as soon as they are available for release.
