Transportation professionals within the City of Philadelphia and Lower Merion Township have studied the possibility of creating a new trail connection across the Schuylkill River. The new trail connection would connect the Schuylkill River Trail in Manayunk with the Pencoyd Trail in Lower Merion Township.

This study explores the possibility of using an existing bridge that once carried mule carts and, later, trains. Some people call this bridge the Mule Bridge. This study explored the bridge’s structural integrity and its ability to carry bicyclists and pedestrians, and what improvements would be necessary to make it a safe and functional pathway.

To share more information about this study and the possibility of a new trail connection, the study team held a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM.

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission, in partnership with the Streets Department and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and Lower Merion Township, hosted the public meeting.

In this meeting they presented the results of the feasibility study. This report will help partner agencies estimate the cost of the trail extension. It will also help make the case for funding the new extension and future design stages.

The Mule Bridge is one of Philadelphia’s oldest metal railroad bridges. It was built in 1889 and its truss is made of wrought-iron lattice. In 2017, a train crossed the bridge for the last time. The bridge is owned by Norfolk Southern railway.

Please note that this effort is separate from the Wissahickon Gateway Trail.

Download and read the full report on the Planning Commission’s Resource Page.

A Resources Page for the Mule Bridge Feasibility Study.