The Citizens Police Oversight Commission (CPOC) staff are members of many different work groups and professional organizations, both locally and nationally. Staff represent the agency’s interests as members of local groups, like the Philadelphia Interagency Civil Rights Task Force, organized by the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, to national associations like the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE). NACOLE is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance accountability and transparency in policing and build community trust through civilian oversight. Throughout the year, NACOLE hosts trainings, events, and conferences that provide information, networking, and education to community members and organizations. NACOLE also has volunteer committees composed of subject matter experts that help further the mission of civilian oversight. In the past year, CPOC staff have volunteered to serve on the following NACOLE committees:
Annual Conference Committee
The Annual Conference Committee plans, coordinates, and oversees the development and implementation of a comprehensive, informative, and inclusive Annual Conference program. In addition, they assist with local, regional, and national planning efforts including marketing, outreach, and fundraising initiatives. They will help to ensure a diversity of speakers and perspectives are represented in the annual conference program and provide logistical support before, during, and after the annual conference.
Member Support and Advocacy Committee
The Member Support and Advocacy Committee supports the association’s current individual and organizational members and work to increase the total number of members. The committee works with individual and organizational members to develop means for greater involvement and enhanced communication between the board and the membership throughout the year, as well as to increase the number and diversity of NACOLE members engaged in the work of the organization. The committee is also tasked with developing ways to support the members of the organization including, but not limited to, the development and implementation of NACOLE’s Peer Support Program.
Training, Education, and Standards Committee
The Training, Education, and Standards Committee provides training and educational opportunities for NACOLE members and the public regarding civilian oversight of law enforcement and relevant law enforcement topics. Members plan and facilitate webinars, regional training events, and academic symposiums; oversee the Certified Practitioner of Oversight program; evaluate nominations for NACOLE annual awards; and provide assistance as needed for other training and relevant grant-funded projects.
Certified Practitioner of Oversight (CPO) Subcommittee
The Certified Practitioner of Oversight subcommittee is comprised of several researchers working to develop a body of research studies, academic work, and government literature that will be required reading for a Certified Practitioner of Oversight certification. In addition to building out the required reading for this Certification, the CPO subcommittee is developing general guidelines and a framework for this new certification. This work will result in accreditation program, allowing oversight professionals nationwide to qualify to become a Certified Practitioner of Oversight.
In addition to the workgroups listed above, CPOC Staff are also a part of the three NACOLE Metrics/Measurement Working Groups. These three work groups have spent the past several months working towards building out and defining the best practices on policy, auditing/investigations, and stakeholder outreach – the results of which will be presented at the annual conference in the fall of 2023. Further, CPOC staff is actively engaged within the subcommittee that reviews nominees for the two annual NACOLE awards.
NACOLE’s 2023 Annual Conference is in Chicago, Illinois, November 12 – 16. CPOC staff have been accepted to present at the national conference, showcasing their work on their Body-Worn Camera Systematic Social Observation study. In addition, CPOC staff have been accepted to present a lecture on data standardization practices in police oversight with research partners in other oversight agencies across the country.